Shared today on Twitter

RT @Lauren_Redding: Me today, playing around with the new #canvaforwork. Thank you, @Canva!!

RT @deedispeaking: This is how I feel about my #CanvaForWork free trial starting today: @canva

I spoke at Ignite #13 and LOVED it. It’s scary and challenging, but it’s so worth it. Highly recommended!

@sthcrft Thank you!!

It started out ironic, and then it wasn’t. #shameless #chairdancing

@developerjack GAHHHH How did I forget that hashtag?! πŸ˜›

@Lackadazy Hahaha, I know! I’ve enjoyed a few of their singles; just haven’t done any dedicated catalog listening til now πŸ™‚

Resisting the urge to read the comments on the Daily Mail article. @i386 told me seriously, “Just don’t. You’ll have an aneurysm.” Okay.

@DamonOehlman @johnallsopp I will definitely be campaigning internally for @webdirections speakers at @canva… πŸ™‚

@gilmae I couldn’t even get past the title, really.

@gilmae She’s about to email you again (if she hasn’t already), by the way.

@RadhikaR Really?! How cool! Are they enjoying it? πŸ™‚

RT @RadhikaR: So you know what I’m loving today @web_goddess?In a FB group of mums w shared textile interests (baby wraps) & your ignite ta…

@RadhikaR Awww, thank you!

RT @StartupSmartnow: DIY design platform @Canva for Work to launch.

My face is because @TheRealBnut had just taken a friggin’ Defuse from me two seconds before pulling a third.

@sjhfletcher Love the Duck Inn!

RT @iamdevloper: Kylie Jenner is 17 years old and just bought a crib for 3 million dollars, I still haven’t paid for Sublime Text.