Here’s @AshleeMcCusker kicking off #AWShineHack!
Wow. Some fantastic prizes at #AWShineHack from @findercomau, @learnosity, GE, and AWS!
The amazing @susanshiwashere nailing the first pitch of the day at #AWShineHack!
.@madelgiles giving her awesome #AWShineHack pitch for a way to keep women in tech connected even on mat leave.
RT @ReenaRajani: Our very own @web_goddess giving her freebie pitch #AWShineHack
Hadn’t planned on pitching an idea, but I couldn’t resist! #AWShineHack
RT @mitchelmore_j: @web_goddess remind me to give you a compliment later // There should be an app for that. 🙂
@pyko Hmm. Not a plumber, but I think so!
RT @BlueChilliGroup: Mentoring at #AWShineHack cc @web_goddess
RT @zachkitschke: Exciting to see Canva on the cover of @FinancialReview today. Our first front page story http://t.…
RT @awshinehack: Kris Howard’s presentation “how to win a hackathon” is at 3pm downstairs
#AWShineHack @web_goddess
@drkknits SO PRETTY! Hope you are having a lovely time, and sorry again to miss it. 🙁
@grabthecode Very hard for enterprise apps to get through when voting for pitches, I agree. It’s harder to make them sound sexy!
@snarkyboojum Meeting lots of your AWS colleagues today! 🙂
RT @AshleeMcCusker: Great mentors all around at @BlueChilliGroup #AWShineHack @web_goddess
RT @AshleeMcCusker: @web_goddess how to Rock a Pitch at #AWShineHack
Ugh. I talk wayyyyy too fast. How about we all collectively agree on a subtle hand gesture that can be used to tell presenters to SLOW DOWN?
@darthted @chrisiona It is indeed! Just met him today 🙂
@mayaijung @stephenlead I think I left my MacBook power cable by the couch I was sitting at. Can you set it aside for me for tomorrow??
@darthted @chrisiona You don’t want to spend Father’s Day at a Hackathon with us?? 😉
@stephenlead @mayaijung Thank you!!
@paulangov @darthted I’m home now, but I’ll be back tomorrow. It’s going great! @AshleeMcCusker & @stephenlead put together brilliant event.
@paulangov @darthted @AshleeMcCusker @stephenlead Starts at 4pm!
This one loves her mama. #catselfie
A Composer Hopes His Music Will Put You to Sleep // I should buy this and try it out. #insomniac
@OphelieLechat @kosamari Awww. Are you going to come to @campjsnews then??
“Oh, that’s a new project! It looks like a… shawl?” “IT’S A SCARF.”
@randomknits He may have used that word. I have no idea where he learned it. O_o
RT @stephenlead: How To Win A Hackathon by @web_goddess at #AWShineHack