RT @i386: Last day @canva today. Going to miss the team 🎈😭
@stevage1 @DamonOehlman Sadly, my response would’ve been, “Wow, not just Men’s XXL shirts!” Grateful to be remembered at all. 🙁
Things I am inexplicably proud of: figuring out how to perform all the maintenance tasks for the office coffee machine.
@johnallsopp Har har. (My MIL actually bought us one of these metal filters for ours! Even less waste. http://t.co/WoBKuUMzqa)
I made Inception Cookies for @i386’s last day at @canva. My baking has had a “things inside things” theme lately. http://t.co/riEgeIV3f9
This will not end well. http://t.co/ygSIXDKRx2 http://t.co/hslcxP2yND
@kattjera First one was… Okay. Not great. Giving them one more shot in a week!
@kattjera They did send me a very prompt reply thanking me for my feedback, so no complaints on the whole admin/booking side.