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@susanshiwashere Hahaha, 🙂

RT @zachkitschke: ‘Give Away Your Legos’ and Other Commandments for Scaling Startups

What passes for romantic talk at my house on a Sunday morning: “Hey honey, what’s the best tool for me to create a database diagram?”

@kattjera Second cleaning went really great! Very happy. We’re going to stay with @TidyMeAus. 🙂

@tinypang That’s what he recommended. I’m messing around with MySQL Workbench.

@tinypang Ooh, very cool! I’m just wanting to make a very simple high-level diagram for a site I’m rebuilding.

In case you’re wondering, I’m using MySQL Workbench to try and wrangle into a coherent data model. It’s not working.

@randomknits Wow, you got her wearing a leash! Never been able to get either of ours in one.

@gilmae Thanks. This is a long term project – I’m just getting started. Rodd is suggesting Django for the build. Ever used it?

@gilmae Migration would be a headache. Existing site is a mess of some DB-driven components in the midst of 15 years of hard-coded HTML

@gilmae OH, ha! Nah, I didn’t bother installing.

@randomknits Nice! I’ve just laundered the fabric for my Lark. How did you find the pattern?

“It’s a scarf!” she protested feebly. “SCAAAARRRRF.” (And yeah, that’s some pretty dodgy b…