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@4colorcowboy But… the lyric is “list of ex-lovers,” right? (I heard Starbucks myself until Rodd pointed out what it actually was.)

@4colorcowboy I think it’s “got a long list of ex-lovers”. That’s how I sing it anyway!

What My Uterus Can Teach You About Being a Tech Leader β€” Medium

This stuff is infuriating.

@willbonds Sorry, wasn’t it clear? Female tech leaders only getting asked about their families, not about their actual accomplishments.

@willbonds Ahh, hahaha. Yep, was commenting on the topic, not the article. πŸ™‚

@stephenlead I’ve done the mic drop on stage. Turns out organisers don’t like that. Microphones are apparently expensive. Who knew? πŸ™‚

RT @Lackadazy: Can we Kickstart remaking Firefly with one slight cast member change?

@lucykbain I’ve played around with Delicious Monster – There’s a corresponding iPhone app with barcode scanner!

RT @tobyhede: My new dating site is called ebae

@lucykbain Damn. Well, your question prompted me to wonder if I can use it to organise sewing/knitting patterns! So thank you for that.


@codepo8 How much stuff are you selling?!

@codepo8 You didn’t actually click quantity = a bazillion stickers, did you? πŸ™‚

I wanted to unsubscribe from a particular newsletter. So far, sender has asked for email, full name, membership #, suburb, and postcode. 😳

@gilmae Haha, I’ll give you a Canva sticker NOT to give me a Salmat one. πŸ™‚ We’re just getting new ones printed now.

@frostickle It’s a legit local business that I want to support, but this is ridiculous. I will be marking as spam going forward for sure.

@OphelieLechat Of course! Incidentally, I will be in Melbs at least once next month, if not twice. Stitch and bitch time??

RT @sferik: Interesting new experimental GitHub feature. Attaching design specs to issues seems like it could be useful:…