@thisismywww @redambition @gilmae I’m sure the fine folks at the @pillowfortcast have recommendations. 🙂
@mitchelmore_j @GGDSydney Rookie maneuver. Should’ve just get-crashed! 😛
@mitchelmore_j @GGDSydney Or even gate-crashed. *sigh* I need coffee.
@thisismywww @redambition @gilmae @pillowfortcast You’ll recognise the voice of one of the hosts! 🙂
@thisismywww @redambition @gilmae @pillowfortcast Well, @unlikelylibrary’s Midwestern twang is hard to miss. 😛
Pebble Is Trying to Run Circles Around Apple — Medium http://t.co/5w3tf6AJtP The huge bezel kills it for me. Ugh. http://t.co/T9jUqWrJE8
Going to a tech breakfast event on Friday. Twelve attendees from startups… and I’m the only woman. Of course. 🙁
@willbonds Huh? The other 11 are men.
@willbonds Oh, it was an open invitation. I’m not blaming organisers; I appear to have been the only woman at the invited companies to RSVP
@willbonds Just depressing that more women didn’t put their hand up. (Of course, possible there aren’t women at those other places.)
@servantofchaos @autopilotus Same!
@willbonds In the general sense that I wish ratios were better, and wondering what more could be done.
RT @campjsnews: Just a couple more days before we close talk submissions for CampJS VI – we really want to hear from you!
Female Comedians on Whether They Would Want to Be a Late-Night Host http://t.co/NoFhQ1Skc2 ME=IN A HEARTBEAT PEOPLE. http://t.co/JWL6mhaa2s
Wait, wait. Bieber is in Sydney right now??
Enjoying the talk from @michaelsharkey at @Fishburners tonight! #startupaus http://t.co/46no0Opw7K
@hollingsworth @michaelsharkey @Fishburners Hellooooo!
@NicoleWill100 Nicole. You know people. One of them knows Bieber. Come on, how cool would it be if we got a BIEBER SELFIE?! 😜
When you’re not seeing signs of engagement, forego hard sell. Establish credentials & expertise w/ customer 1st. @michaelsharkey #startupaus
@hollingsworth @servantofchaos @michaelsharkey @autopilotus @Fishburners Correction – if I’m not in that selfie, it didn’t happen!
@lisaaharrison1 @Tyro @GGDSydney Yay, go @sammy_lee12! I’m so sorry to miss it.
Selfie with @tonyhollingsworth, @servantofchaos, and @chloebeevers! #startupaus http://t.co/UdyhKCBheo http://t.co/h2J2Uc8ylq
Listening to the audiobook of “The Martian” while the Snook points out all the chemistry inaccuracies…
@drwitty_knitter Ha! Yes, very similar. 🙂