Objective proof that I look a *lot* like my Mom: my nieces and nephews have occasionally called me Grandma. Amuses the hell out of my Mom.
Sounds like everybody’s running late to @WWCSyd Classy Coding, including me! @lucykbain
#frocktober day 3: I’m attending a “Classy Coding” event at Women Who Code Sydney! http://t.co/RQGgaTzT5i http://t.co/1O4pEBEei9
I’m all dolled up, I’ve got dainty treats, and I’m ready to code. THIS IS SO FUN. #wwcsyd http://t.co/QOjhPZpydi
Hey #wwcsyd women – I just created a Slack channel for us! Come over and I’ll give you the details.
Damn. A brief chat war erupted and @daphnechong and I were defeated by the forces of Atlassian. Now #WWCSyd are on Hipchat.
Lucy and I were REALLY EXCITED for the wine and cheese to come out! #wwcsyd #classycoding http://t.co/LESnCEINEE http://t.co/peHOOk1tek
It was very classy the way I just shoved an entire cracker the size of my hand into my mouth. #wwcsyd #classycoding
RT @Astarael: I feel like these cupcakes were specifically designed to reveal how un-classy I am *surreptitiously tries to wipe cupcake off…
RT @daphnechong: Aaaahhh! Classy coding at Freelancer is awesome! 😊 @wwcsyd’s first weekend event with wine, cheese and cake! http://t.co/g…
My #wwcsyd #classycoding accomplishments: installed Django, worked through poll tutorial, committed all to git via command line BOOYAH
@allybeaton Haha, there should be a “*GULP*” sound effect next to you on that one!
RT @otterfaseowl: cheese, wine, and python! #WWCSyd #classycoding