We have a working toilet, sink, and shower now! Wooohoo!
@coding_mama Ooh, good call! $5/m is about as cheap as I’ve seen it. Thanks!
@drkknits @nytimes This is soooo 5 years ago. And cherpumple is a MUCH better name than “piecaken”. Ugh.
@PeterEvjan I bought it here at Peters of Kensington, but I’m sure other games shops would have it! https://t.co/4mYAxoAJBH
@PeterEvjan They also make a similar two-person game called Zip-It that we have too. Also really fun! https://t.co/X79ojJ0lzo
Video of my @webdirections Respond talk from March is online! Responsive Ads: This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things https://t.co/JvGA53PumL
@VivEgan41 Ooh! I’m just looking for some basic long fringe for a flapper dress, in either black or red. How do I get in touch with her?
@rosepowell It better not. I left clothes on the line.
In the US, they have “Elf on a Shelf.” At Canva, we have “Dave on a Tree.” https://t.co/um6aTP4nwV https://t.co/anHQbiO1b7
@sydjs Someone needs swiped up!
Fifteen years later, and I’m still listening to @codepo8 rant about standards. #sydjs https://t.co/1azCCtKsw2
@alexyellowshoes Thank you!!
@johnallsopp @sydjs HA!
“The amazing tech of today is the rubbish of tomorrow.” QFT. I’ve built some amazing sites. They’re all gone now. #sydjs
Old people. #sydjs https://t.co/jgyemwbhcJ https://t.co/jfx46jPgX9
RT @goodnewsfinland: MT @moominofficial: The new free #Moomin mobile #game is here. Create your own Moominvalley https://t.co/H27LAKGwmD ht…
I just started a “Moomin Farming Game”. https://t.co/GU7JYxbfMs Let’s play together! Come and enjoy my valley “HYMPJX”!
RT @canva: Join @GuyKawasaki at @CreativeLive San Francisco’s in-studio course on Dec 1! Apply now: https://t.co/DoAb8PB8ia https://t.co/Er…