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@imdominating I learned this week that in the Philippines you can buy contacts with just a photo of your box from home. No Rx required.

RT @Veronica: I’m so obsessed with @Canva I can’t even deal. I’m so shitty at design and it makes me look good.

@wheelyweb @georginalaidlaw @aimee_maree @misswired I definitely like the term “craftsperson” and self-identify as such. 🙂

@wheelyweb @georginalaidlaw @aimee_maree @misswired I’ve actually talked with knitters about distinction between art and craft before.

@wheelyweb @georginalaidlaw @aimee_maree @misswired Ha, sorry, got distracted. For me, craft is in how you do it. The attention to detail.

@wheelyweb @georginalaidlaw @aimee_maree @misswired Craft is about execution, to me. Solving a particular problem well.

@wheelyweb @georginalaidlaw @aimee_maree @misswired Whereas art implies a degree of invention and creativity. Novelty.

@aimee_maree @wheelyweb @georginalaidlaw @misswired I appreciate the craft in something well executed, even if nothing about it is novel.

@georginalaidlaw @wheelyweb @aimee_maree @misswired Oh, I definitely write artisanal HTML. It’s so artisanal I use tables for layout. 😛

@daphnechong DUDE. They use your name in the Eventbrite URL! #superstar “” 🙂

Best part of Makati – spas open til midnight where you can get a 60min total body massage for $20AUD.

@poppiepack @canva Before we drank the bar dry of ice! 😂