@Gentle_Reader @rosepowell We’ve only just scheduled our second get-together. Kindle says I’m 17% of the way through. 🙂
RT @GDIGM: 1955 photo of JPL women scientists moved Nathalia Holt to find early women pioneers of NASA https://t.co/4icSOCcPNF https://t.co…
Strong like bull. (Why yes, we are drinking Aldi wine.) https://t.co/ZK9udyIs7Y https://t.co/p4JYeRfP6x
@mcflydesign Not bad for $7! 😄
@MelissaKaulfuss It’s inspiring to see somebody excited about learning something new! Keep going and screw the haters. 🙂
HOLY CRAP – PIPE DREAM. I haven’t played that in over 20 years. https://t.co/MOkaSIhsdk
@SonjaChevre @laimelde It took me a couple turns before I got the hang of it. Then it all came back!
Girl Geeks take over @sydjs this Wed! @jesslynnrose @Charlie__Gerard @cathyblabla @daisysmells & more! https://t.co/Qj6doTvbnu @GGDSydney