@diversionary Clearly, you haven’t been following along. It’s quite the saga.
Deleted. I am officially Pokemon GOne.
@thisismywww I thought yesterday you said you still might be playing it?
Looking forward to tonight’s @SydTechLeaders meetup on tech company culture. It’s a tricky thing to get right! https://t.co/Y37spcoV5Q
@i386 I don’t like games that require no skill and give a competitive advantage to those who pay. Also people are OBSESSED and BORING ME. 😛
@taybenlor @i386 Well, for the record neither of you were among the ones boring me. 🙂
@hal9zillion Hey, I’m an influencer. Once I go, you can set your watch on it. 🙂
Getting underway at @SydTechLeaders with @owensenior! #sydtechleaders https://t.co/nMOsItXYCO
.@matt_barrie on how he used competitors to find freelancers to build @freelancer! #startupinception #sydtechleaders https://t.co/fsB1qpYSH1
Getting the origin story of @jobadder from @BrettIredale. #sydtechleaders https://t.co/NWObEQ8TwK
RT @evolvable: “If you’re working back late you’re not a hero, just disorganised.” – @BrettIredale #sydtechleaders
RT @mobywhale: Always great to see @web_goddess present. #sydtechleaders https://t.co/6wRCxNnmsc
I’ve heard @brettporter mention having the NBN in Townsville before, and I’m still jealous. #sydtechleaders https://t.co/wVUpY94Cyw
RT @evolvable: “Branded hoodies and free beer is not as good as just being together.” – @web_goddess at #sydtechleaders on #startup #culture
@NickDigitalSyd @canva YOU VIDEOED IT?! Oh good grief. I don’t even know what I said. 😂
@Reidyd I think Chippendale is the last suburb on the list. @the_snook tried to convince me we should move to Kiama to get it.
Taking the microphone from @matt_barrie and launching into a Matt Barrie rant will forever be a career highlight. Thank you @SydTechLeaders!
RT @evolvable: 1st class panel at #sydtechleaders tonight. HT @brettporter @BrettIredale @web_goddess @davidbanham @matt_barrie https://t.c…
@themaninblue Alastair said Hi. 🙂 https://t.co/pWoTVukbTR
@evolvable @matt_barrie I don’t have $ but absolutely time & effort. I help at GPN, girl geeks, hackathons, etc. Visibility helps a lot.
@evolvable @matt_barrie GPN = exactly that program. https://t.co/sXj7avEbIf
@GRobilliard @mobywhale Thanks for the mental support tonight. 🙂 Best cheer squad ever. (And Hannah too since she doesn’t do the Twitter!)
@evolvable Ah. There you run into the limits of my authority. 😂 But I can put you in touch with the right folks. 🙂
@mobywhale @GRobilliard @hannahyanfield WHAT WHAT WHAAAAAAATTTT??? I CAN TWEET HANNAH ANY TIME NOW?
@evolvable Just that I feel strongly as a woman in the industry I need to be visible as an example. Just giving $ isn’t really enough.
@evolvable You can’t be what you can’t see. The only woman computer engineer I saw growing up was my Mom.
@evolvable That was exactly my high school. The Computer Lab was full of guys. The “Business PC Lab” was for girls (ie secretaries).
@evolvable Absolutely. @DanSiepen organised something like that recently – one of my colleagues went along.
@simonraikallen @mattallen @benschwarz @DurrantLuke @DominicDirupo I live in #hippendale. Plenty of startups here. 😛
@hannahyanfield @mobywhale @GRobilliard This is truly mindblowing. I am speechless.
TAKE MY MONEY NOW. https://t.co/JMxznbmlnf
@evolvable @dosinga @themaninblue For the record, I said that free beer and hoodies were still very nice things. 🙂
@mcflydesign WE NEED FOR THE OFFICE!!!!
@mcflydesign I saw an article with the games it comes with. Holy hell. WANT.
Women of @canva at this morning’s #equalityhacks breakfast. Thanks @elabor8! https://t.co/iFtIfeRM6m https://t.co/sG1Wl8t5Dh
Salmon, eggs, fruit, Cherry Ripe. Everything for a balanced breakfast. #equalityhacks https://t.co/IDRDICdS5d https://t.co/ai22FrvT5n
The amazing @jpofoz kicking off #equalityhacks! https://t.co/GVTY1dzIdf https://t.co/gRAwcr9Mnf
RT @alicestanley: Job share is triple bottom line; flexibility, productivity & diversity @GEMINI3jobshare #equalityhacks
@Velona @knitterjp HA! Blame Instagram. 🙂
“I’ve drunk a lot of champagne in the name of diversity…” @Seonaidporter gets a chuckle at #Equalityhacks! https://t.co/w0eODRCoDl
@unlikelylibrary HAHAHA, literally. (I used her Insta handle rather than Twitter. Whoops.) @knitterjp
RT @Andrea_s_ho: Diversity is good for innovation, but innovation is ESSENTIAL for diversity #equalityhacks @VICT4W https://t.co/otjKRVkaB2