Hey, I’m speaking at @PubConf in Sydney next Friday the 5th! You should come along. https://t.co/fZtTEsQmzL
LOVE IT! That’s a prompt to get moving on your sweater, @4colorcowboy. 🙂 https://t.co/DBal9Z2oiy
For the record, I stopped testing and started listening right after this. 🙂 @GuyKawasaki @canva https://t.co/4CHnzi75KQ
RT @poppiepack: This guy. Always great to have @GuyKawasaki at Canva HQ @canva #goodchat ✌🏻️ https://t.co/yQjjyzsJEP
RT @ivan_hernandez: I’m proBernie but would vote Hillary as I am a one issue voter and that issue is not opening the seventh seal and usher…
I took the opportunity to ask @GuyKawasaki for advice for my upcoming @PubConf and @TEDxMelbourne talks! https://t.co/63wIuj9V59
@MichelePlayfair Yes! Really honoured that @jontv invited me. I’ve got the very last slot of the day, apparently!! @TEDxMelbourne
Only one more night until we see @thebeastoz! It’s been ages since I’ve been to a play. Can’t wait to see what @Eddieperfect’s come up with.
RT @thebeastoz: “It’s about six arseholes who think they are good and who discover they are not good.” Performances start tomorrow! https:/…
Yelled at my first taxi driver while cycling home tonight. @stephenlead would’ve been proud.