Shared today on Twitter

@servantofchaos That’s me, except with fabric and knitting wool.

RT @servantofchaos: J&J Australia runs a ‘HaTCHathon’ to tap tech talent for better health #hackathon

Way to go @Astarael!!

@drkknits I’ve met people who thought that “Shut up” was rude. My stepdad used to have a problem with it. (My siblings say it all the time.)

@drkknits So may be less to do with academia, and just really, really polite people.

RT @JSConfAU: We’re still on the look for sponsors who can help magic happen 🔮

Get in touch: sponsors at

@DarrenNolan_ @JSConfAU I know that @twalve is definitely involved… 🙂

@DarrenNolan_ Incidentally, @GGDSydney are also looking for a few more sponsors for SheHacks in a few weeks! Talk to @shvedma 😀

@laimelde YOU’VE NEVER READ IT?!

RT @troyhunt: Just blogged: The Dropbox hack is real

Public Speaking Workshop courtesy of @wwcsyd and @Speaking4Life (@ Web Directions HQ)

Once again, the main feedback is I talk too damn fast. I think SLOW DOWN is going to be my pre-talk mantra. @Speaking4Life @WWCSyd

The Snook’s away in the Blue Mountains, so this is pretty much my house right now. #juiceboxlyf

@Jonwestenberg @Speaking4Life @WWCSyd Pause more. Pause pause pause. Maybe I’ll write SLOW DOWN on all my notes. 😀

@JoshuaBretag Dude. You are ruining my Canva team list.

@Malarkey Excellent news!

@Malarkey Absolutely! Is the missus coming with you? She was fun. 😀

@ButenkoMe @nkbtnk @erinrwhite I was spruiking SheHacks last night and ran into this same feedback. Competition puts some women off.