@ElzbthMcCrthy Yay, cool! See you there. 🙂
Kicking off Tuesday Tech Talk at @pivotallabs with Suresh from @corelogicau. https://t.co/hvRVDX5MUy
We are beyond “should we do Agile?” and even “is it working?” – the question now is “where else can we be Agile?” @corelogicau @pivotallabs https://t.co/2cXt5ZvddZ
Fascinating to see what aspects of BizScrum worked and didn’t work for @corelogicau. https://t.co/JriF5yh5Of
Really excited for @auxesis’s upcoming @yow_oz Night Sydney – Nov 17 at @canva (Also Melbs & Brisbane that week!) https://t.co/suxjaRJq9D
@FakeSamRitchie @mattdelves @mokagio Something PUN-TASTIC.
Sous vide pork belly buns with homemade pickles! Thanks @seriouseats @kenjilopezalt https://t.co/Hds0HjqBOl https://t.co/LgStHXGuhZ
#frocktober is over, but it lives on in an animated gif. You can still donate!! https://t.co/Vdv5Z3WiOM https://t.co/PF2xNQwmnG
Awwww, looks like Twitter cut off the last third of my #frocktober gif! Try this one instead: https://t.co/jy3BDFvZgz
Wait. Dammit. GIPHY cut off my animated gif. 🙁
How about a #frocktober YouTube slideshow instead? https://t.co/A966rcLqVZ
RT @codepo8: Redesigning Waxy, 2016 edition https://t.co/RZrfM7DP0w on blogs and the death of blogging.
RT @felicityward: Seriously #Bondi Hipsters response to Nomadic Thinkers male only start up is so precisely excellent. Look: 👀 https://t.co…
RT @boyter: Incredibly cool news for @teabass and those using @librariesio https://t.co/j3jRESOrwI