Shared today on Twitter

@unixbigot @yow_oz LOL. I knew you were secretly a Hermione.

@unixbigot I’ll be there too!

@yarrcat I’m the same – I have crappy veins. The last time the Red Cross lady said, “you officially don’t have to try anymore.”

@yarrcat I was both relieved and sad that she let me off the hook.

@johnallsopp Happy birthday! Were we going to catch up this week? I’ll buy you a birthday coffee. 😀

Now is Not the Time to Criticize the Galaxy Note 7 – HA. I laugh so I do not cry.

@AbstractCode @yow_oz Me! Well, I’m speaking too. 😀

@AbstractCode @yow_oz Haha, my talks tend to get shunted to the “weird but amusing” slot at the end of the day. 😀

@mobywhale @GGDSydney Have fun! I’m sorry I’m going to miss it. 🙁

@mattallen It’s like witchcraft. You now know my true name.

Tonight’s meetup: #sydneyai at the gorgeous @BCGDV offices. Thanks @TeremTech for organising!

Ian Heddle from Zomojo starts his talk on computational complexity by going all the way to the ancient Greeks. #sydneyai

Organisers of meetups: please publicise a hashtag for your events! I’m just makin’ this stuff up and it’s disappearing into the void.

WOW. Zomojo’s homegrown genetic algorithm machine. @nemshilov will be jealous. #sydneyai

Ian’s advice for getting into machine learning: STEP 1. LEARN PYTHON. #sydneyai

Final tip: make sure you have a way to halt your machine learning algorithms. Otherwise you’ll be up for a very big AWS bill. 😂 #sydneyai

Another day, another @alexboudreau chatbot talk. 😂 #sydneyai

Poor @alexboudreau just had to say “Parsey McParseface” in a tech talk with a straight face. Ugh. The worst, @googledevs. #sydneyai

Thankfully @alexboudreau says current state of AI is still really far from Westworld territory. #sydneyai

Intuition is the reason that human GPs won’t be replaced by chatbots. @alexboudreau #sydneyai

Bold prediction from an audience member that Esperanto will reemerge as the language of chatbot interaction in the future. 🤔 #sydneyai

@walkingadvert Awwww! Waves at @SerriLaw @lucykbain & Ellen!!

@FrankCharlton Do you know about @RHoKSydney? Talk to @AlexGilleran. 🙂

@FrankCharlton Except duh, you’re not in Sydney. But RHoK is international!

@FrankCharlton Maybe you should start one. My friend @lemon_lime is in Seattle – he might help.

@lemon_lime I just saw this, and it took me five seconds, and then I LOLed. 😂

RT @robertnyman: Really enjoying the moment, standing in the middle of a lot of great Philippine web developers!

Pic by @cellofoodiegeek a…

Small thrill seeing @baconmeteor’s talk from @webdirections linked on good ol’ @metafilter.

Still life entitled “We Need a Real Vase”

RT @NASAhistory: #Congratulations to Margaret Hamilton. Will be honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom tomorrow for writing Apollo…

@MichelePlayfair Heh. My real birthday is in March. That was the JOINT birthday. 😂

@stephenlead HORROR. (Why are you sending it to me? Don’t blame me for this!)

@stephenlead It’s a fair cop.

@mattallen @stephenlead They had those at Canva once. Along with the Toffee Apple. They’re both terrible.

A friend back in Indiana asked me to recommend toys/games to intro his 6yo & 3yo girls to coding. 😍 Maybe the world isn’t 100% horrible.

@TheRealBnut Goldiblox, Scratch, and the Hour of Code website.

@quamen Goldiblox, Scratch, and the Hour of Code website

@sebastianparis I saw that too! Can’t remember what it was called…