Learning about n-grams and different probabilistic models for NLP – Named Entity Extraction, Naive Bayes, etc @EvaNahari #Yow16 https://t.co/9Os1Cvlcqd
“Distributed Representation is so friggin’ powerful because it’s dense and you can extrapolate. Why aren’t you more excited?!“ 😁 #yow16 https://t.co/ctCTjK6U8b
@randommood @caitie 😳 https://t.co/6rq4xpLu5f
RT @BernHyland: Helpful update on tooling available for #NLP & computational linguistics in era of cheap cloud computing #yow16 https://t.c…
@nemshilov Check your gmail. 😉
RT @jstangroome: Awesome! I’m going to @yow_oz Sydney #yow16 thanks to @alt_net. Hope to see you there.
Learning about Big 5 Personality Traits from @DrBrianRLittle. FANTASTIC keynote! Everyone is thinking and learning about themself #Yow16 https://t.co/uxA5bsfFM9
TFW @DrBrianRLittle is DESCRIBING YOUR WHOLE LIFE. 😳 #yow16 https://t.co/CQGGnnWPD3
(Secretly suspecting the only ones tweeting during this amazing talk are the extroverts…) #yow16
RT @MelissaKaulfuss: Truth bomb 💣💥👌 #JSConfAU16 https://t.co/mq3B1Un9Fl
Heh. Managed to get @DamonOehlman’s duck addiction into his conference intro. Troll complete! @canva 😜 #yow16
RT @pheasley: Love how family friendly and invested in diversity @yow_oz is. Respect. #yow16
Congrats to @LareneLg and @Cuff_S for being selected @yow_oz 2016 WiT speaking comp winners! Check website for details on 2017 comp. #yow16 https://t.co/sxMaJKFKGM
RT @sufw: “Nothing in this world happens without us programmers”. Preaching to the converted I guess. 🙂 #yow16
By the mid-90′s, programmers could be villains! Dennis Nedry in Jurassic Park meant we were finally relevant! 😂 #yow16 @unclebobmartin
Every 5 years the number of programmers in the world roughly doubles. So half the programmers in the world have <5 yrs experience! #yow16
@yow_oz Ugh. LOOK UP, SELF.
RT @pheasley: Is programming a young persons game? Where are all the old programmers? They’re all still here, there just weren’t many to be…
@ryanflorence Gahhhh, that really sucks. 🙁
@johnbarton Haha, did your #ctosummit talk stress you out? Couldn’t tell from audience!
RT @simonraikallen: A great Programmers Oath at #Yow16 by @unclebobmartin: https://t.co/V2F7LQIvrX