Shared today on Twitter

There are cases where containers are not always the best fit… – @IanDCrosby #yow16

OH at #yow16: “What’s your Twitter handle?” (That was @apaipi to her HUSBAND @erikcorry. 😂)

“I mean, who DOESN’T want to invent their own computer language? Fame! Fortune!” @erikcorry #yow16

RT @richard_lopes: I need to invest, buy share in that company making stickies. Those #Agile freaks are all crazy about them 😁 – #yow16

Heh. @erikcorry’s compiler – which he is building live in front of us! – got applause for being faster at regexp than grep. 👏 #yow16

The fabulous @GRobilliard introducing @randommood for her talk on the architectural patterns of distributed systems. #yow16

RT @stuartsierra: Don’t know any Clojure/Datomic? No problem! Come to my #yow16 talk this afternoon for conceptual overview

Different strategies to build resilience based on Borrill’s model. – @randommood #yow16

Trust me, #yow16 attendees, you want to stick around for Dr. Little’s keynote tonight. It’s EXCELLENT.

So now we know some design patterns for building resilient systems, @caitie is going to show us how to verify their correctness. #yow16

😍 Thanks @tcampezzi! #yow16

Love emphasis on academic papers & research from speakers like @caitie and @randommood. As @unclebobmartin said: don’t stop learning! #yow16

@boyter Where are you, anyway? You should be here!!

@boyter Gahhhhh. Next time!

@desplesda @thesecretlab I didn’t know you were carrying Secret Swag!!

@JedWatson You coming to Josh Duck?? I’m front row

Frontend at Scale kicking off in Blue room with @joshduck! #yow16

PHP! This is now my favourite talk of #yow16. Thank you @joshduck 😜

Facebook had annoying bug where Chat state would get out of sync, show notifications when nothing was new. LIKE LINKEDIN ALLTHETIME. #yow16

@evanderkoogh You mean NOT moving to US, right?

Final talk – @jedws introducing @mjpt777′s talk “Engineering You” #yow16

RT @DrBrianRLittle: The #yow16 event in Sydney is in full buzz mode. Waiting to give
closing keynote on personalities at work to brilliant…

Yay, Margaret Hamilton getting another shout-out at #yow16 from @mjpt777!

Don’t work with assholes. It really does bring you down. – @mjpt777 #truth #yow16

Watching as @daveathomas introduces @DrBrianRLittle for the third and final time at #yow16! You’re all going to love this. 😁

@BeeropsMegaMix @stphnwallace In a cab with a contingent of YOW folks. There soon.

Proud to represent @yow_oz at the #BeeropsMegaMixer! #yow16

Making sure my #yow16 lanyard is appropriately decorated for Day 2. Don’t forget my talk on KNITTING AS COMPUTER CODE at 4:25 in Green!

Details of the blinky beanie I wore onstage this morning at #yow16:

RT @yow_oz: #yow16 don’t forget that @apaipi’s talk will be at 2:10pm and @mtnygard will be at 3:30pm

The ever-cheerful Renee from @GPN_Sydney introducing @mranney in the Red room! (GPN is awesome. You should check it out.) #yow16

Listening to some of the problems Uber faces with 2K+ microservices. “We DDoS ourselves all the time!” – @mranney 😂 #yow16

RT @thepaulrayner: Confirmed! Thanks @yow_oz! EventStorming above Red Room on mezzanine floor starts ~12:30pm. Grab a quick bite & come joi…

Event-based architecture doesn’t work great for Uber because SLA’s are human-scale. Person hits button & wants response NOW. #yow16 @mranney

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.