@lucykbain https://t.co/hl9oWGi50n – looks like the official website is down. 🙁
Yesterday: two ducks from Costco. Today: breasts, stock, sausage, and cracklin’. The Snook… https://t.co/ydmP7FY7ac https://t.co/ub1bvSLjYY
Meanwhile, I am a genius in other ways. Stay tuned… https://t.co/SFmvdxSJkO https://t.co/9D1Pw5QA3r
@rosepowell @walkleys That’s so awesome! Thrilled for you.
@lightningdb We make a big show of tucking one corner into the other… but still end up mostly wadding them up.
@phillfarrugia Wait, seriously?!?!
Weirdly, the moment that made me tear up in Rogue One was “Red Leader, standing by.”
@Notionalseams I have some similar TARDIS fabric too!
@TheRealBnut @1opter That’s exactly one of the points I made in my conference talk at @yow_oz 2 weeks ago. 🙂
This is exactly one of my points from my recent @yow_oz and upcoming @wootconf talk! @linuxconfau @NatDudley https://t.co/AyR4il7jZW
@TheRealBnut @1opter Appears to be entrelac combined with cables. Kinda cool. https://t.co/6JrqeBZnHd