Shared today on Twitter

@mmastertheone Don’t suppose you’re swinging by any stationery stores? I’m about to order a journal online from Japan… 😉

@hannahcancode 👏 Way to go!

RT @yow_oz: Is speaking one of your New Year resolutions? Make a submission to #yowwest17 & join us in May 2017 htt…

@hannahcancode @pyko I was gonna guess hydroponics. 😀

RT @KathyReid: Great to see some places specifically for women at #lca2017 #openhardware #Miniconf #IoT #diversity

Just went through the #lca2017 schedule noting the sessions I want to see. Who else is going? (My @wootconf talk is Monday at 1:20pm!)

@developerjack @kattekrab And of course, you still haven’t seen my fabulous knitting talk! 😛

@mmastertheone Are you going to Tokyo Disneyland?!?!

@MeetupAPI Except it also seems to use IP address, because same call (with same key) works from laptop but not web host.

@TheRealBnut Somebody else sent it to me yesterday. You gotta be quick on the yarn-related links, buddy.

@TheRealBnut I use a similar example in my talk – Sky Scarf where every row is colour of the sky on the day knitted