Shared today on Twitter

@yow_conf You’re the 3rd person to send to me. 😂

@MichelePlayfair @yow_conf Haha, I actually like this one! It’s well done. 🙂

@MichelePlayfair @andykelk You weren’t following ME? 🤔

@trycatchally ❤️ 👏

RT @AST_News: Want to learn about Capacity and Performance Testing? #CASTx17 early bird tickets are ending soon! Don’t miss out! https://t.…

@MelissaKaulfuss Whoa, cool! When is this happening? I’m going to be down there in the middle of Feb…

@trycatchally Do you know where they were printed? We’re looking to get some stickers (finally!) for @yow_oz…

@developerjack @trycatchally That’s what I thought! Cheers. 🙂

MUGicalPHP – I made a thing! It allows you to subscribe to calendars of tech meetup events in Aussie cities.

RT @calroscow: I think we often forget how much of today’s language Shakespeare gave us. Profound.

@diversionary That’s my next project.

<? accio(‘espresso’); ?>

@diversionary Exactly. I have long suspected Steve Jobs would tell me my ears are shaped incorrectly.

@darthted @conniecodes I made chocolate chip and bacon cookies once. They were Not Good.

@blakkat @sezshares

@noopkat I stress-KonMari’d my dresser last year. Amazingly, it stuck! My t-short drawer now brings me joy.

@chaitanyakuber @darthted @conniecodes They came out very, very greasy. I blame Australian bacon.

@simonswiss Nice job (and post)! And well done @mobywhale for pushing you. She’s like that. 😁

RT @kosamari: If you want to hold fluffy yarn and knitting needles & sit in circle while we talk tech, I’m all down for that (for every ge…

This is why I still have my own content on my own domain. Own your stuff. Don’t always rush to the new sexy startup cloud thing.

@kennychuaio I noticed that yesterday too. They got temporarily taken down but they’ll be back hopefully soon.

@kennychuaio Dr. Little’s talk should be back up now!