Shared today on Twitter

No biggie. I just, you know, soldered a computer together. #lca2017

Listening to @projectgus talk about the Espressif ESP32 WiFi/BT chip that was used in the IoTuZ project I just built! #lca2017


@taybenlor IoTuZ – built as part of Open Hardware Miniconf at

Bob Powers talking about IoTuZ and how it came to be. Wow, KiCad is pretty cool. Jaws are dropping. #lca2017

Bob talked about people who program who don’t know how computers work. If this is you, I highly recommend #lca2017

If you missed my super awesome knitting talk at #WOOTConf yesterday, I’m doing ⚡️ version at the #openhardware miniconf this arvo! #lca2017

@Mandy_Kerr This one is a Gemma – much smaller, about the size of a 20c piece. I’ve used Lilypad too on this one:

@TestSheepNZ Remarkably I had no burns! Beginners luck.

Excited to hear @mnemote talk about MicroPython on ESP32! #lca2017

@lathiat Thanks for the help!!

Curse you auto-playing ads with sound. ARGGGH.

Now @geekscape is explaining how to actually program the IoTuZ we built! #lca2017

Open Hardware Lightning talks kicking off in Wellington Room 2! #lca2017

RT @mibus: I think @web_goddess has out-nerded most of my friends, with *knitting*. Wow. #lca2017

☺ Second talk done and dusted!

Jill from Marlyn Alpaca showing off her adorable alpacas and talking about using tech for fiber quality control! #lca2017

@voltagex I searched in vain too last night when I fangirled all over Jill and Mike. 😂

TIL my posture while soldering is even worse than while knitting. 😂 #needamassage #ouch (Thanks for the pic @voltagex!)

@itgrrl Hm. But pockets in dresses and skirts ROCK! I chalk up lack of pockets in women’s clothing to the patriarchy.

@henaredegan Please let me know if you find out! Or hey, we can start a group ourselves. 🙂

@i386 You are the BEST. I miss hanging out with you too!!

@sammy_lee12 Ooooh, brilliant, thanks!!

Quite possibly the most hipster thing I’ve ever ordered in a pub.

@knitsch YES! I already met @NatDudley on Twitter and then accosted her on Monday here. Can’t wait for her talk tomorrow!

RT @unixbigot: Bit of both? Bit of both. #lca2017

@evildeece I’m installing the prereqs… presumably follow Linux instructions for Mac?

@mlle_elle I am actually watching this, marvelling at this world that we live in.

@mlle_elle BOOOO. I mean, I love the puppers, but I am lazy so I prefer my fuzzy stinkybutt cats. 🐈🐈

@mlle_elle Oh god no. They’d eat me in a heartbeat. I respect that.

Australian tech companies – if you want a woman on your board, I will happily help you out!

@evildeece Actually I think I’m sorting it out! So nevermind. So far so good. 🙂

@evildeece I *think* I’ve got all the deps installed? Not sure. Worst case scenario – I’ll look over someone else’s shoulder. 🙂

@rcsbaker @blackbirdvc Congratulations!

RT @royvanrijn: 2017 reminder: This is how the imposter syndrome works, now find an open call for papers and spread your knowledge! https:/…

@mage0r @linuxconfau Thanks for helping yesterday – and nice to meet you!

The tweets about the Sydney heat are making me appreciate this week in gorgeous Hobart even more.

@boyter I’ll try! So far I haven’t ventured very far from the conference centre…

RT @charlie_savage: BREAKING: Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence for leaking to WikiLeaks. She will be freed on May 17.…

Brilliant @callahad keynote on failure of Mozilla’s Persona. I love this. Stories of failing help demolish hero culture of tech. #lca2017

@lightweight It was a heading – he had several points within. Suggest watching on live stream if you’re interested.

RT @vmbrasseur: “Free licenses don’t further my freedom if I can’t run the software.” @callahad


@vmbrasseur Oh god, yes. You should’ve seen me last night trying to install prereqs for automation workshop today. 🙁

@vmbrasseur Same. There were no instructions for Mac. I was in uncharted waters. 🦈

Lanyrd is invoked. Definitely warranted. #lca2017

Thinking about privacy and anonymity in @mjec’s talk. We didn’t need right to be forgotten until we had technology that remembered. #lca2017

RT @johndalton: “I have Google Location History turned on. I know what I’m doing. It’s super creepy, but it’s nice.” — @mjec #lca2017