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RT @yow_conf: Are you working on your #ylj17 submission?

Whoa! My talk was one of @jase_thomas’s favourites. 😊

@jase_thomas I think I did the very short lightning talk version for that one. I’m glad you liked it! πŸ™‚

@TheRealBnut I carry two of ’em when I go to speak anywhere just in case they don’t have them. But I have very rarely had to use them.

@pelagikat I’ve been there before! Beautiful place. Looks like a great day for it too.

RT @TawarRazaghi: It Took Exactly 15 Minutes For This Female Politician To Be Asked Why She’s Childless via @workma…

@HANSwerThePhone Those haven’t quite been unveiled yet. I think they were literally behind a curtain. πŸ™‚

@fendersperth I’m coming to Perth! Just RSVPed for the meetup on the 8th. πŸ’ƒ

@chiuki @CallbackWomen @techspeakdigest D’OH! Of course. Thank you. πŸ™‚

@venks79 YES! Me and Hermione, fighting evil in our awesome red lippie. πŸ™‚ πŸ’„

@zarahjutz @aectann OMG we had some of those at Canva and they were soooooo good. #jealous

RT @SydneyPyLadies: We are starting a weekly study group for learning python! Starting Monday 06/02

@awkwordly @imdominating I could watch that all day. πŸ’₯

@gilmae @randomknits I haven’t had alcohol or sugar (beyond fruit) ALL MONTH, SO YOU CAN BOTH SUCK IT. (Sorry. Detox rage.)

@gilmae @randomknits You about you eat an apple instead of a doughnut and see how you like it? #hangry

@LinkedInHelp I can’t seem to login. Keep getting error that email is not recognised, but reset password form works fine.

@LinkedInHelp …and suddenly it’s back. Must’ve been a glitch in the matrix. πŸ™‚

@ewebber That is some chunky wool! Never gets cold enough to need it here. Looks great!!

If they add Jean-Ralphio, I’m buying it. // London Toy Fair Reveals: Parks and Recreation! | Funko

RT @mcflydesign: We’re hiring a digi designer at Canva – hit me up if you’re interested πŸ™‚

RT @adblanche: +1000 to the @shestarts preview trailer! Excited to see 10 amazing #entrepreneurs build the future of Aussie tech! https://t…

RT @mediaperuana: This 140 character limit is rough sometimes.