Shared today on Twitter

Thanks @markc for showing me around the new @Domaincomau offices today. Stunning!

@gilmae It was a building to store wool in Pyrmont. Not an actual shop. 😂 Should’ve clarified!

@gilmae Well, it was that too!

This was already one of my favourite possessions. ☺ Thanks @mcgregor_ewan.

@cameron_rogers Meetings. That’s where I’m a Viking!

@_zouhir Come on – spill!!

One step closer to my talk show!! 🤣

@philiplaureano Hey Phil! No prob – they’re linked on the individual West and LJ pages:

@philiplaureano Crap I’m so sorry; it was definitely there. Let me find out why link has gone missing. 🙁

@philiplaureano Ahhh, it’s actually at the bottom of the submission guidelines. That’s kind of buried. 🙁

TIL something new about Star Wars. Huh.

@philiplaureano Brilliant. Now please keep poking @markc until he submits one. 😂

@damncabbage If you wanna do the former, you can submit for YOW West right now. Would love to have you there! 🙂

@glenngillen Would love to! Unfortunately I’m going to be overseas then. I’ll get to one sometime. 🙂

RT @SouthernHomo: We all know who’s behind the national parks tweets

RT @yow_conf: Did you catch @thepaulrayner’s Eventstorming talk at #yow16? @web_goddess chats with him abt returning to Oz…

@damncabbage @thsutton @jedws I’ll try to catch someone’s eye!

#FPSyd kicking off with @HuwASP talking about neural networks in Haskell. @ambiata

Heh. @HuwASP trained a neural network on Shakespeare. #FPSyd

Other UG organisers: #FPSyd does something brilliant – get speakers to commit in person to giving a talk later in the year!

Next at #FPSyd – Ben Lippmeier talking about closure conversion and garbage collection in DDC.

“This language is called Salt… because it’s what you get when you leave C [sea] out in the sun for too long.” 😂 #FPSyd

Everyone is delighted to learn about “broken heart pointers”. 💔 #FPSyd

#FPSyd now gets my vote as the most in-depth tech talks I’ve seen at a meetup group. I didn’t follow much, but I learned some stuff.

@MelissaKaulfuss @juniordev_io @_iankhor_ Same. Mine was full of arcane git commands. 😂

@natashamitchell I enjoyed it. I found it uplifting, but I didn’t have super high expectations. The Oscar noms may hurt it there.

RT @RogueNASA: How sad is it that government employees have to create rogue Twitter accounts just to communicate FACTS to the American publ…

What @sallyannw said! So thrilled to have helped out these women in even a tiny way. 🙂 Thanks @nic_hazell @BlueChilliGroup @shestarts

I’m the newest Guardian member #guardianmembers // Realisation: First time I’ve ever subscribed to a newspaper. 😳

RT @msharp: Time to sign up for @SydCSS next week!

@Malarkey Just realised I must’ve missed something – you guys are moving here?! Really truly??

@Malarkey Wow, congrats! Thrilled for you both and can’t wait to take you for dinner when you get settled. 😀