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RT @thecolourfool: Looking forward to seeing @web_goddess in Perth tonight. I expect to be in stitches…

@thecolourfool And here I thought @FakeSamRitchie was the King of the Perth Dad Jokes! 😂

Final call, Perth. You know you want to see my blinky hat in person.

@saberkite Awww. I’m going to be in Singapore and Hong Kong later in the month – as close as I’m likely to get anytime soon!

@space3ed I’m at Flux! Is there a front desk person?

@starbuxman Met up with local Java/JVM UG organiser in Perth this morning. They’d love to host a Spring speaker sometime. *hint hint*

@starbuxman Hee. Yep. I’ll let him know. 🙂

Raising up the @canva for @themaninblue. I sense a hackathon project in the making… 🙂

Sewing pattern inspired laneway art in Perth. YES.

RT @thecolourfool: . @FakeSamRitchie submits to a code review by @web_goddess.

RT @FakeSamRitchie: .@web_goddess talking knitting & code at #yownight Perth

@lyynx Thanks Stephen. I’m about to try to load my saved knitting session state right now. 😂

@jas_quek Thanks Jasmine! Get some cotton for summer knitting. That’s what I’m using. 🙂

RT @stringy: My face during the Knit One, Compute One talk by @web_goddess was all 😍 Thanks YOW, WITwa & Bankwest for organising. https://t…

Honestly had to not look at @stringy or I would’ve started giggling! 🤣

I am a dork, so of course I took an audience selfie before my #yownight talk in Perth tonight! @yow_conf

RT @stringy: Seriously, the mix of craft & code hits all my paradigm-busting, quality workmanship, practical feminism buttons. What’s not t…

RT @jakesilverstein: Next @NYTmag cover

RT @dius_au: Find out how we helped @REA_Group build Australia’s first VR property app for Google Daydream, realestate VR.…