@carbocommander Dry sarcasm doesn’t work on Twitter anymore. Needs more emoji. 🙂
@diversionary New fave gif of all time. Cheers @mootpointer.
Early birthday package from my Aunt Deb. Hmmm. Not sure about this. https://t.co/OwZATko7tc https://t.co/Qyq4eMpPuk
IT’S TRUE! IT’S TRUE!!!! https://t.co/9agJU68My7 https://t.co/6bO4OjxNEA
The 90’s are clearly having a moment. https://t.co/t0mg4gaj4Z https://t.co/5rDd2uaEBy
RT @CharisChang2: NSW residents are being asked to turn off appliances between 3.30-5.30pm to avoid blackouts: https://t.co/QD5xCvYmGJ
@nocache Maybe a slab of pancakes? 😁
RT @andykelk: Conferences like #AgileAus don’t happen without speakers. Have something to share? Only a few weeks left to submit! https://t…
Set up Apple Pay last week. Opal card lives in iPhone case. Just tapped off bus and noticed Apple Pay screen came on. Is it a worry?
@gilmae You’re kidding.
This sounds like a team I would really not want to work on. https://t.co/o4Tqg6qIAd
@jedws CONGRATS, MATE! Enjoy your break. 🙂
I’ve kept American accent for 17 yrs, but this new thing where every. single. taxi driver asks me about Trump? I’m over it. Time to change.
Leave Mr. Darcy alone – The Washington Post // EXACTLY. https://t.co/9GmGRliP7i
Can somebody translate “Nevertheless, she persisted” into Latin, please? – Ask MetaFilter // I ❤ MeFi. https://t.co/PTtngee8bY
@annie_parker I’m so sorry for your loss. 🙁