@gilmae You’re the worst.
Fresh from the salon. https://t.co/z2wRFdMgUV https://t.co/TyAv6krxog
It’s 100F/40C+ today, and yet there are still more then fifty knitters at @KnitGuildNSW. Proud to have contributed to this community! https://t.co/fDclRbO8vA
@Ascasewwen I hate when that happens.
40 days without alcohol vs. 40 degree day… The latter won. https://t.co/DOszGGztmh https://t.co/TNF8ePIw1P
Me: “I miss beer. Beer makes me happy.”
Him: “Beer makes me a better person.”
RT @compassioncode: “Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is…critical to authentic leaders, which includes being self-aware as well as having sel…
@GeoffreyHuntley The @KnitGuildNSW doesn’t really do beginner lessons – I suggest Morris & Sons in CBD! Or check YouTube videos.
RT @kylegriffin1: Just seeing this—Yale renaming Calhoun Hall, named after a white supremacist, for Grace Murray Hopper, a computer scienti…