Shared today on Twitter

RT @MichelePlayfair: You’ll like this thread (skein?)@knitterjp @web_goddess

I was going to write one of these, but @joshsimmons took the words out of my mouth.

How Quilting Can Explain the Foreclosure Crisis // WOW. Quilting as data visualisation. ❤ (Thanks @NatDudley)

@nickyringland You should change your Twitter name. My friend @drwitty_knitter did that. 😉

RT @charis: And let’s start selling some @webconf_asia tickets 🎉

RT @yow_conf: Super excited @fgeorge52 brings his hands‐on 1-day wkshop “Microservices: Let’s build some!” to BNE, SYD, MEL, PER https://t.…

@joshhunt For my last talk, I bit the bullet and pasted it in and manually coloured it.

Genius! Automator script for colouring code in Keynote.

When you get the opportunity to eat Michelin starred ramen, you say YES!

Spotted in Hong Kong – a Porsche Carrera in @canva blue! @themaninblue would approve.

RT @yow_conf: Our first 2017 YOW! Night in HK in conjunction with @AgileHK thanks so much for hosting us at the Odd-E office! @web_goddess…

@mattdelves Around the corner from where I’m staying in Hong Kong.

RT @AgileHK: Thanks @web_goddess and @yow_conf for a great #agilehk session!