@the_nathanjones I’ll have a look. Try refreshing. Our old third party vendor keeps going down, but we’re replacing in next couple days.
@the_nathanjones It seems there now. Was it the speaker info you wanted to see?
@the_nathanjones Yeah, try a control-fresh. I can see it. Maybe a failed version is cached in your region? https://t.co/mYR7oPsW2o
@the_nathanjones Oh phew. Hopefully it’ll be gone very, very soon. Thanks. 🙂
@the_nathanjones …and the new page is now up, so you’ll need to use the Archive link for last year: https://t.co/9XQv9jVDHo
Last call for tickets to tonight’s meetup, Hong Kong! I promise jaws will drop. 😂 https://t.co/1KAGGehBcS
Aww, thanks @MelissaKaulfuss! Might be your last chance to hear that talk. I need to retire it. 🤣 https://t.co/8zt7iNW7oq
@MelissaKaulfuss It’s the long 45 min conference version. Did you see that one? It changes every time!
@msharp @MelissaKaulfuss Oh good grief. I may do it at a @GGDSydney sometime in the future, right @pyko?
About to eat a mochi ball filled with durian – my first ever! #dubious #yolo https://t.co/vMKiwyOEaU https://t.co/pGtpaFHxkc
@mobywhale @daphnechong It was okay! Pretty good, even. Weird, but not like OFFENSIVELY SO. The flavour does linger though…
@msharp Oh, there is one other option! I’m giving it Newcastle JS on March 8th. 😀
@_hhandoko @agilesgorg Thanks Herdy! Glad you liked it. 🙂
RT @LegoNASAWomen: Everything is AWESOME! @LegoNASAWomen has been approved by #LEGO and will soon be available in stores!!! https://t.co/jC…
@codepo8 🤣
YAYYYY @yow_conf sticker in the wild! https://t.co/GBs6eVDuSB
RT @HarbourFrontHK: It was great having @web_goddess from @yow_conf this evening. We will be dreaming knitting patterns tonight. Sweet drea…
RT @TomTaylorMade: A statement on why I, sadly, won’t be attending ECCC and why I’m currently turning down US appearances.
Achievement Unlocked: successfully navigated rush hour public transport in Hong Kong ALL B… https://t.co/4KeeUH0bAK https://t.co/j0VdvULoQj