Grabbing some lunch before heading to Melbs. (First visit to Virgin Lounge as a Gold FF!)
@keranm I reckon you did!!
@keranm Arriving or departing? I’m in the Virgin Lounge for a bit…
@gilmae Especially with sugar on it.
Uber for bikes: how ‘dockless’ cycles flooded China – and are heading overseas // Saw some of these in Singapore!
@falican Fantastic! Can’t wait to meet her. 😁
@pwcc @tareiking How lucky we are to be alive right now! 😉🎶
Getting excited for tonight’s Software Art Thou talk at @zendesk! (@ Melbourne Airport (MEL))
The crowd is gathering for #softwareartthou. 😳
New lippie. Let’s do this! #softwareartthou
I love this pic. Not sure what I was cracking up about. 😂 Thanks @LJKenward!!
RT @MichelePlayfair: TIL about KnitML. Day made. Thank you @web_goddess @Zendesk #SoftwareArtThou
RT @swapnilogale: Great talk by @web_goddess at the #SoftwareArtThou night at @Zendesk. Some supercool code knitting examples. Mind blown.
@MelissaKaulfuss Wait, I didn’t realise you were there!! Did I say hi? I’m sorry if I missed you! I have such a hard time remembering names
RT @OphelieLechat: “@ravelry is Github for knitters” — @web_goddess Yes! I’ve been saying it’s like Facebook for years, but this is a bet…
@OphelieLechat @joannamuses Did you see when Mason-Dixon tried to crowdsource a pattern for The Perfect Sweater a while back?
@Ed_Fletcher Been there, knitted it! 😂
@ELiveELove Excellent! Now if the weather would just cooperate and get properly Autumnal… 😁
RT @ELiveELove: @web_goddess thank you for that amazing #coding comparison tonight! Feeling inspired to get out my #knitting needles again…
@MelissaKaulfuss Of ffs, OF COURSE! I’m so sorry. This job is turning me face-blind, I swear. 😕
@bronwen Wow! Where is it?!
@chyams @trevoryoung Some of these serendipitous connections are really starting to pay off for me. It’s a good strategy!
@Gissy_Manda I don’t use Uber, but I always ride in the front in taxis or @GoCatchApp. Sitting in the back feels un-Australian. 😂
Later, Melbourne! Thank you for the brief glimpse of sunshine. Now back to Sydney and ⛈.
This goes for knitting projects too. I can usually work out WHAT I did, but not WHY. And the WHY is the most important part!
OOOH, fancy private exit down to gates! (@ Virgin Australia Lounge in Melbourne Airport, VIC)
That ‘Useless’ Liberal Arts Degree Has Become Tech’s Hottest Ticket // THEATER MAJORS, REPRESENT! 😂
Lady, I have seen side ponytails in my life, but never before a side BUN. 🤔
@The_McJones She appeared to be a Virgin flight attendant. Could this asymmetrical madness be official policy?!
@unixbigot @mmastertheone But ONLY ONE!
@rbtcollins Yup. So weird.
Hilarious photo from last night’s #softwareartthou talk. What am I laughing at? I can’t ev…