Shared today on Twitter

@Xavier_Ho @markdalgleish @melbjs Woohoo! Now I only wish I could be there to see it. 🙂

@AICDirectors Any plans for diversity scholarships in 2017? I’d be very keen if you are!

@AICDirectors Excellent! Thanks for the reply. Will keep an eye out.

Still some tickets available for Girl Geeks tomorrow night! Talks from me, @cathyblabla, and @bottomley_g…

RT @spidie: First #goldcoast #yownight is happening at @gctechspace with @web_goddess on 19th April @yow_conf #mudg…

I should also note that men are absolutely welcome at @GGDSydney events. We just ask that you get a woman to bring you as her guest. 🙂

@spidie @gctechspace @yow_conf I’m super excited about this! I just hope it’s possible to get around the GC by taxi since I’m flying up. 😂

@spidie @gctechspace @yow_conf TBH I’ve been avoiding using them for a while now. Maybe time to install Lyft, I guess…

YAYYYY!!! She did such a good job – tell her she should be proud, @simonraikallen. 😍

Monday night dinner. Nailed it!