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@LapTop006 @evilZardoz Excellent! I’ll have to get the burger next time. πŸ™‚

Whoa. For the first time in six months, I have no confirmed upcoming speaking gigs. Time to send some submissions, I guess!

@unixbigot I did! I thought it was cool until I realised it’s the size of a small car, practically. πŸ˜‚

RT @NicSampson: A lot of people have been asking about my infamous playlist for having sex so here you go πŸ˜‰

@joshduck Wait, are you in Sydney?!

@LapTop006 You must be a neighbour! I live down the hill in Chippendale. πŸ‘‹

Hoodie progress! The back is done, and I’m working towards neck split on front.

@joshduck Oh cool! Got time to catch up? Marlous and I will be in Surry Hills tomorrow – could easily meet you for a coffee around Central!

@MelissaKaulfuss Hm. If you wanted to increase your ROI and give it again… @DanSiepen? I’ll vouch for her. πŸ™‚

I should add – if any tech meetups/events are looking for a speaker, get in touch. πŸ˜‰

@pwcc Sadly no. Will be there the 4th to host YOW Night. How about in June?

@caseywest @googlecloud Go you! Congrats. πŸ˜‰

@TheRealBnut Yeah, @desplesda and @The_McJones have already been whispering that too. 😁

@TheRealBnut I reference that blog post in my talk, which you’ve never seen. 😜

@TheRealBnut This is going to be the canonical one – previous versions were way shorter.

RT @yow_conf: Live & breathe Big Data, Analytics & Machine Learning? Share your expertise & learnings at #yowdata

@misswired I don’t understand. What’s he doing wrong?

Perfect playlist for Wednesday – Billboard’s 100 Greatest Choruses of the 21st Century. Great for getting stuff don…

@kouky 😱 That sucks!