Whoa. @pivotal have unleashed a monster. They’re giving away FIDGET SPINNERS as @voxxedsingapore swag! https://t.co/QYPdkOL8Xa
Crowd still trickling in as Alan kicks off @voxxedsingapore! Most of audience are backend engineers (based on quick poll). https://t.co/ezfFasql1c
First talk is @RedMartcom CTO and co-founder Rajesh relating their story from monolith to microservices. @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/4LSN63RhlP
First silly conference selfie of @voxxedsingapore with @PuneetDewan2! https://t.co/TxqJPP1gc2
“Tech won’t solve everything.” Having good team & culture is important. Great note from Rajesh at @RedMartcom to conclude! @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/CucmAB8WPj
Second keynote is @glaforge confronting the audience with “IT Holy Wars.” We go around in circles and spirals! @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/ORrK8hCxLS
50 shades of #AAAAAA. 😂 @glaforge @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/0cOEirHFp3
The line between “obscure” and “self-documenting” often depends on whether you wrote the code. @glaforge @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/8DtSVwxexw
Tabs vs spaces – looks like the room is split roughly half and half! @glaforge @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/KHO9lVDUre
Standing desk vs sitting – the new holy war? (In my experience, less about dev preference and what your office can afford.) @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/k7jSjXPpMw
RT @localhostAU: MEL & BNE peeps who love the web, it’s the last day to grab your tickets!
✅ After hours event
✅ 4 awesome speakers
✅ Food…
I KNOW, RIGHT? #livingthedream 🙏 #suchadork https://t.co/Tlsqug5EpY
HUG ATTACK from my friend @starbuxman at @voxxedsingapore! Such a friend of @yow_conf. 😁 https://t.co/t5oq36N33X
Tech conference rockstars (and all around nice guys) – @starbuxman, @glaforge, and @michaelisvy at @voxxedsingapore. https://t.co/waBICHnnNN
RT @ananavarro: Daily Recap:
Dear World,
I am sorry.
An American.
I’m capturing @voxxedsingapore speakers like Pokemon! Here’s Vincent Serpoul from the Docker Singapore meetup group. https://t.co/z8HiDENlh3
The world is changing. @owais_zahid is telling us how HTTP/2 is going to change the way we build applications. @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/aOwLqOPCU1
Pretty good metaphor for head of line blocking – supermarket queues! @owais_zahid @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/O0gAsppDLE
@yow_conf @MyriamPaul As a tall person with a big giant target of a head, I am against this idea. 😂
Recommended reading from @owais_zahid at @voxxedsingapore: “HTTP/2 push is harder than I thought” by @jaffathecake. https://t.co/2Im6VxBFri https://t.co/8tRsZ30RCj
So impressed by the work of @verydapeng and the rest of the @voxxedsingapore team! https://t.co/AYUkRzuRrD
First time I’ve ever had seared tuna and quail egg at a tech conference! 😲 @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/DLNyWwn2S9
Another speaker! The legendary @sergiu_bodiu, who’s speaking about chaos engineering this afternoon. @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/KOIXD8KHng
@pj_Leward @voxxedsingapore Right?? Fanciest conference food ever!
Learning about the need for container orchestrators from @ZenikaIT’s @cfurmaniak. @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/aJ0tvjnwf8
Hey @voxxedsingapore! Did you know @yow_conf is coming to SG in September? Come see me in the break for a sticker & chance for free ticket! https://t.co/YNEAOypkzk
TooManyOrchestratorsException? 😵 @cfurmaniak gives tips for choosing one that’s right for you. Thank cattle, not pets. @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/w0gqGOTxga
Of course, I’m itching to knit it! https://t.co/6S20DCvPkz
@stephane_m @yow_conf @voxxedsingapore 👏 Awesome tweet indeed! 🤣💯
RT @stephane_m: Thanks @web_goddess ! See u in Sep at an AWESOME @yow_conf in SG after this GREAT @voxxedsingapore ! #GreatAndAwesomeTweet…
RT @elonmusk: Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world.
From Resilient to Antifragile – a Chaos Engineerining Primer. @sergiu_bodiu starts with his definition of good architect. @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/sNhbPacKcn
RT @johnbarton: Budding junior web devs of Melbourne – come join us at @99designs.
Great opportunity to learn and do good work: https://t…
Reading suggestions from @sergiu_bodiu for ppl interested in systems thinking and the fallacies of distributed computing. @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/O9xxEq2WM4
@BuzzFeedOz I’m waiting for my favourite… (@the_snook Actually made for me two years ago!) https://t.co/rCV872XjLQ https://t.co/G7vBZXB5jp
“Backups always succeed. It’s the restores that fail!” Truth 💣 from @pivotal’s @sergiu_bodiu at @voxxedsingapore. https://t.co/qLSZwLoVVG
Only #3?! ROBBED! Fun fact: when @the_snook made for me, we learned jelly babies dissolve in jelly. OH THE HUMANITY. https://t.co/rCV872XjLQ https://t.co/4nZVflAtei
Dejirafication – Most meetings we have are people… updating a tool… to update other humans. @sergiu_bodiu has @voxxedsingapore chucking. https://t.co/XEV26RXiey
RT @crankymate: This has been one hell of a busy week. Awesome, but tiring. <3 @canva! We’re doing amazing things — you should join us!
You can learn about the principles of chaos engineering from this 2016 white paper: https://t.co/lHpqQfomNZ. @sergiu_bodiu @voxxedsingapore
Performance testing. Ahhh, I remember we used Gatling to test voting during AU Big Brother a few years back… @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/fEW7RHW2v0
Don’t trust the claims systems make about themselves and their dependencies. Verify them by BREAKING. @voxxedsingapore @sergiu_bodiu https://t.co/cOoGMPuL6V
RT @LookaheadSearch: We’re giving away 4 online courses to https://t.co/PLtQgDAJJW 👩💻
Thanks @WWCSyd + @lucykbain for organising 👏
DM us…
@MelissaKaulfuss @the_snook TBH the taste wasn’t great. Blue jelly only appeals to the < 10 crowd, I think.
@caseywest Was just talking about you this morning with @starbuxman and @glaforge! 👋
Another @voxxedsingapore selfie with my new friend @burrsutter! Conference organisers – you want him to speak. So awesome. https://t.co/AiibC5M8dh
Hmm, I wonder why there’s a giant queue at the @RedHatNews booth? Oh, because @yanaga is doing a book signing LIKE A BOSS. @voxxedsingapore https://t.co/fcPZvy4MXd
@randomknits You and @gilmae have a wonderful trip!! And happy belated birthday!! 😁👋
Thanks to the team at @voxxedsingapore and everyone I met! Can’t wait to see you all again at yowconference.sg in September. 😉
It’s midnight, and I just landed in Hong Kong. It’s 30 degrees. 😐
@aquintex Frankly 30 sucks on both scales.