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RT @yow_conf: Happy Friday!

Today’s the last day to submit to our #WIT speaker development program.โ€ฆ

Lesson of the week: nobody reads more than the first 2 sentences of an email. ๐Ÿ˜’

@darthted I feel like I heard a @SydTechLeaders debate about that once… ๐Ÿ˜›

@johnallsopp Me: “Hey, you should submit a talk for this conf!” Them: “YES, THANK YOU FOR INVITING ME, I WILL HAPPILY SPEAK AT YOUR THING.” ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

RT @DCC_JOBS: Today is the last day 2 lodge your application for @yow_conf #womenintech comp! @witqld @FITT_AU @VICTโ€ฆ

@drylight @yow_conf Working hard on lining some up ASAP. Got any good speakers you want to recommend? ๐Ÿ™‚

@rosepowell @DanSiepen I’m torn. Usually when things women do unpaid become prized, suddenly they become purview of skilled men who make lots of $$ (ie chefs). ๐Ÿ˜

@rosepowell @DanSiepen And women have historically borne the burden of emotional labour. It’s been 50%+ of every job I’ve ever had.

RT @DDDPerth: Still on the fence? Let us persuade you with โ€œWhy you should present at DDD Perthโ€ by @aidanjmorgan

Let’s be honest. Spotify has come to know me scarily well. #hipster #90stragic #showtunes #nerd

@nehadk @DaniKBevins @bhakthi Ugh. I’ve seen it many times on the Ravelry forums. I wince every time.

โ€œThe myth of the โ€˜cool tech girlโ€™โ€ by @skstock // I spent 10 years trying be that girl. Ugh. Time wasted.

@randomknits CONGRATULATIONS!!!! ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿฅ‚

@davidwieland @yow_conf Honestly, it’s happened to me like six times today. Is it a full moon or something?!

@lyynx @yow_conf @davidwieland Ugh. You think? CIVILISATION IS DOOMED.

@boundvariable ๐Ÿค”

My neighbour gave us a gigantic bag of (ripe) limes. Any ideas how to use them up?

@charis But they’re LIMES! ๐Ÿ˜‚

@gilmae @annakelk Pies only use like 4 limes! Iโ€™ve got 30ish. ๐Ÿ˜‚

@AndrewADavidson ๐Ÿ˜‚

@jezfletcher @hannahcancode Curd uses up less than youโ€™d think!

@darthted I double-checked. ๐Ÿ˜‚

RT @yow_conf: We’re so excited about our #yow17 speaker lineup! 9 confirmed women speakers so far & you’ve GOT to check them out. https://tโ€ฆ