Shared today on Twitter

RT @yow_conf: We sold out in Melbourne by early Oct last year, so don’t wait long to get your earlybird #yow17 tickets…

Spent a confused 5 minutes trying to figure out when I created a new “Family” calendar in Google. Oh. I didn’t. They did. 😐

@evanderkoogh Oh good grief no! I’m accusing them of rolling out a feature I didn’t ask for; not divine medical intervention. 🙂

Sunday afternoon refactoring… #gettingshitdone

@KathyReid You inspired me to share my own photo! Not quite as many screens and things happening though. 🙂

RT @KathyReid: Ladies! Who’s #gettingshitdone this afternoon? Join Kris and I and post a pic 😉

@gilmae Just addressing some tech debt on the Roald Dahl site. Nothing a visitor would actually notice!

@gilmae @randomknits What does the text do?

@polleyg I’ve been using it since back when it was BBEdit. 🙂

Tech debt repaid! Time to, I guess, actually stand up and clean my house.

@randomknits I love it! Seems like a better fit than Lady Skater.

My Safari-only experiment has ended, and I’m back to Chrome. Missed too many Hangouts messages due to this issue: ☹️

Eat Your Books – an unsolicited endorsement. An online recipe index for your dead tree cookbooks! So BRILIANT!