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@KathyReid @pelagikat YASSS. I was chatting to @Roceal last weekend about reviving it, maybe porting to Python. We can’t let it die!

RT @yow_conf: That’s right, #YOWBubs returns to #yow17! If you have a child (or more) under 4, bring them along. More details to come

RT @yow_conf: We are absolutely FLOORED! 59 entries to our #WIT speaker development program!!! β€οΈπŸ’‹β€οΈπŸ’‹β€οΈπŸ’‹

@delitescere @yow_conf @REA_Group @nxdnz +1

@fox Do you need any help with @JSConfAU in the coming months? Met a great Sydney events manager looking for short term work today…

@MichelePlayfair Yeah, exactly. It’s almost like THEY INTENDED THAT. πŸ˜•

@lanewaypresents @mitskileaks So excited for this! I’m going to Melbourne for work that week – have to figure out how to fit this in.

@gilmae I should set up a repo for the Roald Dahl site. Then I could get me some green squares too.

@gilmae That’s what @the_snook says every time he seems doing changes to the live version.

@gilmae @the_snook Granted, this particular codebase is only just over a year old (since WordPress migration).

@gilmae @the_snook Also, it’d cost me $7 for a private repo so people don’t mock my PHP.

@gilmae @the_snook I don’t care if they see it. I just don’t want them to comment about it. Contempt culture in tech and all…

RT @SirEviscerate: I accidentally opened the Google+ app, and it screeched at me like I shined a flashlight at a long-forgotten albino crea…