RT @sallyannw: Can’t wait for our next #femalefounder meetup in BNE with @AdeleMBlair, founder of the @TheConciergeC. Register at https://t…
Attended a @FutureDirectors info session this morning and I’m more fired up than ever about the value I could bring to a tech startup board!
@crankymate @parkcal90 There was while there when it launched when I reckon @canva took real productivity hit. (Spawn point in alley was accessible from office!) 😂
@crankymate @parkcal90 But I went cold turkey after a week or two, thankfully.
RT @anildash: May all your dresses have pockets.
RT @KathyReid: Do you work in #mobile, #IoT or the space in between? Want to speak at @yow_conf #Melbourne in Sep? #CfP open https://t.co/u…
@yow_conf @nambor YOU NEARLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK, @nambor!
@FakeSamRitchie @LukeSleeman *cracks knuckles* Gimme a few minutes…
Scientifically accurate knitted moths. 😮🦋 SWOON. https://t.co/N3KrzQLB1G (via @drwitty_knitter on FB) https://t.co/SUSRkTFSZS
As a knitter I want a damn apology too! https://t.co/H24ruEJlvo
RT @scalzi: In which @barrydeutsch nails this one pretty damn accurately. https://t.co/2BoHsDTpXx