Shared today on Twitter

@starbuxman Picturing you singing this now.

Yesterday jaffle. Today… TRUFFLE. 😍

@FakeSamRitchie I like the way you think.

@MichelePlayfair @FakeSamRitchie Waffle buddies.

@darthted Oh gosh. Hope everything is okay!!

Legit devastated that Bob, the @ravelry mascot dog, has passed away. He was a good dog. 😒

Peeked at’s insights on my streaming. Seems about right. (Time to listen to @mitskileaks again…)

@lynnlangit Mom was self-taught and came to it late. I wonder what she’d have accomplished with a CS degree and lots of support!

@lynnlangit Now she’s finally retired and living the dream: πŸ˜€

@NicoleWill100 @annie_parker @ElaineStead When coming home to Sydney, I usually hit the Dan Murphy’s app to check prices. Only worth it for a few things.

@mpesce @nic_hazell @OtletResearch Did they show you bits of sharks? I wasn’t sure if they were allowed to bring them to other countries. πŸ˜€

OH at Stitch and Bitch: β€œI don’t have too much tits and ass in my Instagram feed…” πŸ˜‚

RT @HeroicGirls: Wonder Woman passed Deadpool’s box office today. Ryan Reynolds posted this photo.

I look forward to it every day, and I’m dreading when it finishes. It’s so good.

RT @sallem5: If you love strangely beautiful stories, read @jon_bois’s ongoing “17776”:
Top-notch sci-fi football d…

There is literally nothing I could add to improve this. So, so spot on and hilarious. πŸ‘πŸ€£