Really nice cursor effect on this story, @WIRED. (Feeling lucky that none of our hotels on recent trip used those locks!)
The only thing missing from @GuardianAus’s list of #uglytreasures is my awesome Creepy Doll Decoupage tray. π
@diversionary @GuardianAus The Snook’s grandmother made it. It lives under our couch and scares unlucky housesitters.
I used to think sudden flashes of inspiration borne of looming deadlines were a sign of my incompetence. Now I know it’s just how I work.
@stephenlead Very tempted to set up Buffer to tweet “Turn around Bright Eyes” at you sporadically through the day.
RT @tedneward: Every. Single. Software developer. Must. Take. Note.
YOU can go to jail for the code YOUR BOSS tells you to write. https://β¦
RT @yow_conf: Know what the most common street name in Australia is? @aduckismyfiend shares how using Open Street Map & Python https://t.coβ¦
@randomknits DAMMIT DONNA. Needles going in is, like, my #1 phobia. I can stand to have it done, I just can’t WATCH.
@randomknits I just spent 30 sec flailing about trying to hide that image in Tweetdeck and only managed to enlarge it like 5 times in the process.
@randomknits In other words – π€’
@gilmae @randomknits For god’s sake make some real tweets so it pushes that shit down out of my column. π©
The happiness I feel at cancelling work trip next week indicates that I finally hit the Travel Wall. Bound to happen eventually…
@gilmae Do Australian towns not have a High St or Main St?
@charis But I will miss not seeing you in Hong Kong!
@ericscheid @gilmae Way to spoil @ADuckIsMyFiend’s talk, dude! π
I got asked to recommend some Melbourne women in tech for an event, and the list just kept growing! So many amazing ladies there. π
@evanderkoogh @mrembach It took me a year to finally get there.
Elided Branches: How Do Individual Contributors Get Stuck? A Primer… Great insight from @skamille!
Yay, really looking forward to hearing @Hatchman76’s talk! (And patting myself on the back for nagging him to submit… π)
RT @LukeSleeman: @web_goddess If you have any that can speak about Android or other GDG topics send them our way! Always looking!
@mobywhale @SydCSS The clock… β° π
Some of the list I suggested: @paulangov, @MichelePlayfair, @LJKenward, @RhianaHeath, @hima_tk, @harrietgl, @MelissaKaulfuss, @linapinot…
…along with @KathyReid, who I know is in Geelong, but I’m an American with a poor grasp of Victorian geography so whatever.
@paulangov @MichelePlayfair @LJKenward @RhianaHeath @hima_tk @harrietgl @MelissaKaulfuss Wrong Lina! Whoops. @lilapinot π
RT @unclebobmartin: New Blog: Just Following Orders.
@Catharz @paulangov @MichelePlayfair @LJKenward @RhianaHeath @hima_tk @harrietgl @MelissaKaulfuss @linapinot @Zajakot Ooh, please share! I recommended these because I’ve met them all, but always up for more to follow on Twitter…
Beef stew by me; soda bread by the Snook. Yum.
@pleia2 I am prepared to die on this ant hill beside you, comrade.
@diversionary @philoye Agree. Thatβs so shitty. π