Shared today on Twitter

@thatpatrickguy @yow_conf Thanks for coming, Patrick! And to Meri too… šŸ™‚

@gilmae Kids workshop today!

RT @LareneLg: Don’t wait for permission to write history! šŸ™†šŸ» Feeling inspired after a great #YOWConnected. Cheers @yow_conf team, speakers,ā€¦

Attending a workshop full of kids, and it appears that “Despacito” is on repeat. šŸ˜‚

Pair programming with my new mentor Clara! @yow_conf @jewelbots #YOWConnected

Iā€™m all about mentoring, but when I spend entire ride giving driver free career advice (including a CV review!), Iā€™d like a discount. šŸ˜‚

Visited @minxdragonā€™s amazing Fringe Festival augmented reality art exhibit today. AR + classical figures = stunning

@nxdnz @yow_conf @jewelbots I’m sitting in the airport lounge, still hacking away! šŸ™‚

@LareneLg @yow_conf Thanks for speaking, Larene! I loved your talk. šŸ™‚

RT @nxdnz: The @yow_conf roadshow brought @jewelbots to #REALABS today – so much maker-fu, wonderful to meet smart kids loving tech with @wā€¦

@randomknits @jewelbots @SaraJChipps I’m making mine into a Pomodoro timer.

@developerjack Iā€™m sorry we didnā€™t cross paths! Best I could do was a secondhand hello via @mnemote, but I donā€™t think even that worked šŸ˜‚

@mnemote @developerjack Oh! I thought you said you didnā€™t make it to him. šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s true though – my brain is šŸ³

Until next time, Melbs… (@ Melbourne Airport (MEL) – @melair in Tullamarine, VIC)

@Malarkey Was in mid-air. Just landed back in Syd! You?

Home. I think I’ll stay put a few weeks. šŸ˜Š (@ T3 Qantas Domestic Terminal in Mascot, NSW)

RT @videosmithery: Wip