@taradefrancisco I’m so happy to see this, TD. ❤️
@starbuxman https://t.co/ceHaGEVY7k
@gilmae Just hypothetically speaking, I assume. 🙂
This is *begging* to be a Slack emoji, @the_nathanjones. https://t.co/CsSPJTJjLt
Me: My face feels, like, tired after presenting. I wonder if I over-emote? 🤔
Checks photos from DDD Perth. Yep. 😂
https://t.co/4RGAUJcLVa https://t.co/gPEbp73ioh
@the_nathanjones https://t.co/78JonVR8Zj
I wrote a blog post about my experience speaking at @DDDPerth two weeks ago. Spoiler: I ❤️ everyone in Perth. https://t.co/FJILEym9mh https://t.co/QWSlUAWGDt
RT @starbuxman: @web_goddess You’re an epic speaker talking about an epic topic and your presentation reflects that you know that and enjoy…
RT @LJKenward: A highlight of @DDDPerth for me this year was Kris’s locknote! Dear Network: Get Kris on tour for this talk! 💯💯💯 https://t.c…
@mobywhale Oh no! I’ve done it a few times, but my veins are crappy do I can’t anymore. I miss the 🍪.
I am now in 15 different Slack workspaces. Somehow I still get the same amount of emails. This is not the disruptive future I expected.
@DarrenNolan_ Oh, I’m on board! Poor @owensenior and @darthted don’t know what hit them. 🙂
@msharp @mobywhale Beef-eating pommie?
@gilmae I was never an IRCer back in the day. It was AOL Instant Messenger and web forums, baby! In related news, I’m the worst.
RT @yow_conf: Need a modern twist to #android development w/#Kotlin (concise, safe & expressive)? Join our BNE workshop 28 Sept https://t.c…
@gilmae Awwwwww. 😍 @randomknits
@gilmae @randomknits When I studied abroad, I hooked up with a friend who had met his girlfriend in a Cure chat room. (I was a hoochie-mama back then.)
@gilmae @randomknits That did not end well.
RT @SydTechLeaders: “What’s that? Another @SydTechLeaders meetup already announced?” YEAH, WE DID. https://t.co/r70OkFdhlL Speakers announc…
Achievement unlocked: pair programmed with husband without it ending in tears. #babysteps
@burrsutter Haha, thanks. I suspect it’s a remnant from a lot of amateur theatricals in college and high school. 🎭
Testing the Pomodoro code we wrote last night for my @jewelbots. So far so good! If it works, I’ll put it up on Github. 😊
Heard through grapevine – @UberEng is coming to recruit in Sydney for roles in US. Why not set up a local office? I hate the brain drain. 😕
@malynmawby @Holly_Stephens I’ve got a list of Aussie Tech Women: https://t.co/Oxm7yJZZuB. Also happy to invite to the @GGDSydney Slack channel!
RT @MichelePlayfair: Are you an under represented speaker in tech reading this and wondering where to start? Hit up @spkeazee https://t.co/…
@Holly_Stephens Done!