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My @jewelbots Pomodoro timer works! I’ve just put it up on Github here: 💎🤖🍅⏱

@nconnaughton Niall. 😑

YES. Incidentally, @FutureDirectors have open scholarships to help women get their CVs board-ready. (I’ve applied.) Thanks @bigyahu for tip!

@paulangov @SEEK_Geek @robogals Yay! 👋

RT @paulangov: Awesome to be here @ SEEK Camp. A room full of super bright girls ready to learn all about the world of tech! @SEEK_Geek @ro…

@mark_sabbatical @bigyahu @FutureDirectors @yow_conf @Lisa_Cumes Nah, not looking to be a founder anytime soon. I don’t have the risk appetite! But advising them… that’s a different story. 🙂

RT @tobyhede: If you loved the “National Broadband Network”, you’ll love the “Australian Space Agency”.

Who’s heading to the #yownight with @sveta_isakova in Sydney tonight?

Big crowd at CBA for #yownight with @sveta_isakova! Mike Chen kicking things off…

Since it’s from @jetbrains, you know that the tooling for @kotlin is going to be good! @sveta_isakova #yownight

Lots of folks here from the @SydKotlin meetup group! Sign up to find out when they’re meeting next. #yownight

Coroutines! Hearing about new feature in @kotlin 1.1 to simplify asynchronous programming. (Hey, that was in my knitting talk!) 😁 #yownight

Diving deep on coroutines and threads to provide context on why @kotlin’s async support is so great! #yownight

“Kotlin has a suspend function, but it doesn’t SUSPEND FUN!” 😂 @sveta_isakova cracking up the crowd. #yownight

@samnewman @sveta_isakova Apparently she had that wording on a previous slide, not realising people would find it funny. 🙂

“Can you cancel a coroutine in @kotlin? Yes, if it’s cancellable.” Pretty sure that’s a zen koan, @sveta_isakova. 🤔 #yownight

@MichelePlayfair Oh how lovely! I missed it. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

RT @yow_conf: If you’re in Brisbane, you can still catch this #kotlin #yownight tonight.