RT @SydTechLeaders: Tonight’s meetup featuring @JessicaCGlenn, Peter Phillips, and Stefano Fratini is sold out! Please update your RSVPs if…
@mgouline @cocoaheadsau @yow_conf We’re cool with sharing. 😉
@HANSwerThePhone You = 👶🏼. Me = 👵🏻.
Ducked into Lincraft at lunch and found the most specific fabric EVER. There were no other names. @neil_killick @neilhimself https://t.co/lvrKK4blt6
RT @SydTechLeaders: First interviewee for the night: Stefano Fratini from @SiteMinder_News being grilled by @darthted! #sydtechleaders http…
RT @SydTechLeaders: Final interviewee for the night: @JessicaCGlenn from @Skilld_Team being interviewed by @owensenior! https://t.co/ZZD7dd…
“It’s not attrition if they’re still under contract when they die!” 😂 Things are getting a bit punchy post- #sydtechleaders. https://t.co/Dhi81qUSue
@eisabai @SydTechLeaders Thank you for coming Isabel!
@owensenior @SydTechLeaders @freelancer Living out my TV chat show dreams… #sydtechleaders
@MsJonesInSydney I have a speaking engagement that night, but I will definitely come in the future!
RT @yow_conf: We are so excited to offer our very first YOW! Diversity Scholarship! See website for details https://t.co/iLrBRgvmI5
@rosepowell I haven’t actually played it yet. But you did just remind me I should water my succulents.