Shared today on Twitter

RT @SydTechLeaders: Tonight’s meetup featuring @JessicaCGlenn, Peter Phillips, and Stefano Fratini is sold out! Please update your RSVPs if…

@mgouline @cocoaheadsau @yow_conf We’re cool with sharing. 😉

@HANSwerThePhone You = 👶🏼. Me = 👵🏻.

Ducked into Lincraft at lunch and found the most specific fabric EVER. There were no other names. @neil_killick @neilhimself

RT @SydTechLeaders: First interviewee for the night: Stefano Fratini from @SiteMinder_News being grilled by @darthted! #sydtechleaders http…

RT @SydTechLeaders: Final interviewee for the night: @JessicaCGlenn from @Skilld_Team being interviewed by @owensenior!…

“It’s not attrition if they’re still under contract when they die!” 😂 Things are getting a bit punchy post- #sydtechleaders.

@eisabai @SydTechLeaders Thank you for coming Isabel!

@owensenior @SydTechLeaders @freelancer Living out my TV chat show dreams… #sydtechleaders

@MsJonesInSydney I have a speaking engagement that night, but I will definitely come in the future!

RT @yow_conf: We are so excited to offer our very first YOW! Diversity Scholarship! See website for details

@rosepowell I haven’t actually played it yet. But you did just remind me I should water my succulents.

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.