Shared today on Twitter

@antiqueseahorse πŸ™„ Ugh.

@greaterthancode Sure, happy to. I’ll follow you so we can discuss via DM.

@the_nathanjones o_O Where are you moving??

@FakeSamRitchie Honest to god, that took me like 2 minutes. Delayed action Dad joke. πŸ˜‚

@the_nathanjones Whaaaaaaat. Wow, that’s so cool! Do you speak any Spanish??

RT @birdsong4j: Crocheting is fundamentally geometry-based and I will fight about this. “Maker culture” that only includes Silicon Valley t…

RT @BennActive: Oh wow. Yeah, I’ve been really hesitant to refer to my sewing projects as art, and that’s clearly the internalized misogyny…

@webethel @stephencass Pretty sure that’s what Stephen was saying in his tweet. πŸ˜‚

@Ben_f0x @Asher_Wolf @sallyturbitt @jonoxer @sister0 @afield84 @ButenkoMe can probably help! She runs @NodeGirlsSydney. πŸ™‚

@webethel And now I’m excited to learn you’re a fellow Hoosier! πŸ‘‹

RT @SydTechLeaders: Next event is up! Monday, November 20 – Engineering Effectiveness – It’s Not Just Docker! Look…

@PstafarianPrice Wow! My Mom @susiegii will LOVE that. (She runs a quilt shop.)

@marypcbuk QFT.

@transprogrammer No shit. This has been surreal!! 😳

@Rednuria @debetesse @trixiebee67 @NeolithicSheep πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’―

@TheFlyingZephyr Why would you assume I haven’t?

One of my neighbours put this out for Council Clean-up Day three days ago, and it’s made me jump every time I’ve walked past. 😱

@ProSonicInc It’s a comment on this blog post: No citation other than “Make’s own numbers.” The commenter was using it justification that women aren’t interested in making, which… no.

I’m like *thisclose* to muting replies to my own tweet. Appreciate everyone who chimed in, but damn, I’m really tired of it now!

@LoopdiLou I was half tempted to grab it and save it for next Halloween, but that means it would be in my house for 11 months and…. *shudder*

@LoopdiLou I somehow never even noticed that. I just end up staring into that EVIL CLOWN CHILD’S DEAD EYES.

@PawelPabich @tobyhede A friend in Brisbane spotted a car recently with the number plate “DEPLOY” and an Octopus sticker. We reckoned it has to be the founder. πŸ™‚

@maetl I didn’t expect it all. It was a dashed off tweet in response to a troll on a blog post. Very odd what takes off and what doesn’t!

@suldrew They literally stopped printing it 8 years ago.

@LJKenward @shelleglee @dius_au @Xero Yay! Well done to you both as well as @Xero and @dius_au for showcasing! πŸ™‚

@StuartCRyan I am being very naughty and using it as justification that I need to get a new one. πŸ˜‚

@elegantpoem @LizRabban @DrNemski @auxesis It’s Sydney based, so I doubt you’d get much out of it @LizRabban. πŸ™ Tina – I’ll add you!

@jstangroome @PawelPabich @tobyhede THAT’S THE ONE!

@jstangroome @PawelPabich @tobyhede @moo0000 – was it you who spotted the car?

@SerriLaw Oh, are you feeling OLD, Miss Sarah?? πŸ‘΅

@Yoymiskosas @zentree @RoseRed_Shoes @anotherclive THOSE ARE AMAAAAAAZING! (And creepy.)

A viral tweet is one thing, but hearing about how you helped someone do something they didn’t think they could do? That just made my day. Thanks @LJKenward ❀️

@charis @stickerhd Oh nice! I tried Stickerrobot recently and was happy with them too. Will have to try @stickerhd in the future.

@auxesis @RoseRed_Shoes It just keeps. fucking. going.

@mobywhale @rorosyd Don’t forget! @kytrinyx herself will be in Sydney in December for @yow_conf! 😊

@nicolaslavin Haha, still do! 21 years old. 😳

@Keladeine Happy to teach you, if you like!

@joannejacobs You may have just convinced me to give the show a try.

@HelenDamnationX @tentaclemade Yeah, I didn’t realise until late that anyone looking at the whole thread would see me repeating myself over and over. To me they’re individual conversations! Lesson learned from my first viral tweet. πŸ™‚

@nicolaslavin Yep, I recognised the name and searched my email! You emailed me a few years back. πŸ™‚

@j__st So close to the end! Having an issue sewing on my collar. My fronts are slightly different lengths, so centering doesn’t quite work. How do I adjust? Should the collar stand on that side be slightly longer??

@j__st I’ve centered the collar on the stand though, so there’s the same width on each side. Should I unpick and offset collar slightly? Just trying to visualise how it will line up.

@j__st Really appreciate your help, by the way. I know how much work supporting free software is, so I’m in awe that you had the bravery to add patterns to it too! Will definitely be throwing you some cash. πŸ™‚

@pixel8ted YES. I had the CD, which I remember was a CD-ROM that had a screensaver of shots from the movie on it, which I actually used.

@j__st Ahhh, gotcha. Yeah, I didn’t pick up on the asymmetric-ness of it. Hmm.

@j__st Sounds good. I’ll have to submit a pull request for the documentation! πŸ™‚

@j__st Thanks for the help – I’m at least proud that I worked out that something wasn’t right.

@j__st I figured out the notches actually, but yeah, mentioning would be good. I think the key to fixing is to shift my collar over a little bit. 🀞

@mollydot @imaginaryerika @timbee @arivero @lauraehall If it’s anything like acrylic knitting yarn, heat will destroy its body and make it go all limp and drapey (which may be desirable in some cases)

RT @AMEquality: πŸŽ‰ THANK YOU πŸŽ‰

This all happened because of you.

We did this together.

@Xavier_Ho Same. ❀️

RT @aussiemoose: HAPPY! HAPPY! HAPPY! Every state and territory majority YES result #SSM2017 #MarriageEquality

RT @steven_noble: OK, so it’s a win. Now let’s get it done. Stat. No mucking about. No BS about ‘the right to discriminate’. Just do it.

@i386 ❀️❀️❀️❀️

RT @paulangov: Thanks #CiGlobal for pausing the conference so we can watch the #VoteYes results. Nice touch. β€οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Beautiful. ❀️😭

@snaxolotl Well warranted. Cheers!!!!

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.