Shared today on Twitter

RT @AllThingsSmitty: I snuck this little #CSS gem into a project stylesheet to help the team remember #accessibility. 😎 #WebDev https://t.c…

RT @danieljpeter: Let others know how awesome they are.

😵 Goddammit LONGBOURN IS FOR SALE. And no, I certainly wouldn’t find the local society confined and unvarying. I’ll have you know I’d dine with all four and twenty families! – The house from ‘Pride and Prejudice’ is for sale via @Home_Beautiful

@JoeJoeKeys Like I wouldn’t notice you!

@JoeJoeKeys If I could tell you how to do it, I would. Random chance, I suspect. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

@melissa_loh As someone with shitty veins, having an expert is important! (Hope you’re okay!)

RT @yow_conf: 2 weeks to #yow17 Melbourne! Thank you PLATINUM sponsor @NAB!

Hey, it’s @sammy_lee12 with that fun robot whose name drives me batty! 😂 🤖

@melissa_loh The Red Cross told me to stop trying to donate. They gave me official permission to just give up and donate money instead. 😂

@JoeJoeKeys Awww, thank you 🙂

@sammy_lee12 @yow_conf @YouTube I know @LareneLg said she found it scary to watch herself! I did too at first.

@mandamonium @rosie_spragg This is amazing. I’d never seen it before. Thank you for sharing!

I finally upgraded to a new phone yesterday. The Snook is very excited that I have a legit excuse to reply “NEW PHONE WHO DIS” to any text messages.

RT @sarahmei: 1. This ad reinforces a long-standing and widely-believed trope in tech that is actually quite harmful: that code (“building”…

@KenScambler @LukeSleeman @sammy_lee12 @yow_conf @YouTube @LareneLg For my recent @ignitesydney talk, I recorded it timed to the slides and then played it on my iPhone when I was on the bus, walking around, etc. That one was all about timing and memorisation!

Lots of excitement as we kick off tonight’s #D61wit event at @Data61news! There’s apparently a live stream you can watch.

CEO of @Data61news Adrian Turner welcoming us and talking about the importance of diverse teams. #D61wit

Diversity goes beyond gender. It’s really about having a team of people with different experiences, says @TimReedMYOB. #d61wit

The average age of a non-executive director on a board in Australia is… 63. 😱 The audience chuckled in shock. #d61wit

RT @Data61news: If you’re just tuning in, our live-stream is here: #D61wit

Question for the panel: what could a young woman do to prepare herself for a board role? What skills are most useful? #D61wit

Interesting – @TimReedMYOB would rather put 3 women on an agile team together rather than split them up across multiple. Support is important. #D61wit

Create your own personal Board of Directors, says @karenlawson2025. Find people who can give you good advice! #d61wit

MYOB’s #developHER program provides technology training to mature women looking to change careers. I met someone from the first intake – so inspiring! @TimReedMYOB #d61wit

@allPowerde It hasn’t been asked yet. Hoping it will!

The CSIRO used their own machine learning team to perform analysis on their historical salary data to address pay gap! #d61wit

It’s so important for leaders to “LEAVE LOUDLY” when they take time off, go to pick up their kids, etc. Model behaviour for their teams. #d61wit

@TheTonyHam IPhone 8.

Hey, that’s my question!!! #d61wit

Heh. @TimReedMYOB says we need women in executive leadership roles too. Making a plea for women to pause before going straight to board roles! #d61wit

@LizlingC @Data61news I saw a tweet that you could, and it worked!

Skills for board roles: public speaking and confidence, questioning, getting comfortable with difference between governance and DOING stuff. #d61wit

Real talk as @TimReedMYOB tells a story about hearing a sexist remark in the workplace and how he dealt with it. Impressive. The standard you walk by is the standard you accept. #d61wit

YASSSS. Too many Aussie tech companies just poach senior women from each other without supporting younger women in the pipeline. I’ve seen this over and over. Well said, Renee! #d61wit 👏

@LizlingC 😂😂😂😂👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️

@MichelePlayfair Are you a writer, my friend?

I’m a node. 🤓 #D61wit

@antday Nah, I use the cloud for all mine. I’m sure it works the same on both. It’s more just that it was a new phone. 😉

@allPowerde 😂

@OphelieLechat Oh god. @developerjack is the poster child for this.

@SydneyPyLadies @pyconau Ahh, I wondered when I saw this week’s meetup got cancelled. Understandable.

RT @SydneyPyLadies: Sydney Pyladies is going to be changing format. Rather than a regular monthly meetup, we are moving to occasional event…

This is the miniconf I’m running – still looking for a few more proposals! #lca2018

The amazing talk with @SaraJChipps from @jewelbots where 8yo Clara from Brisbane live-coded in front of 150+ developers. (Clara’s bit starts at 12:30.) ❤️ @yow_conf

@pwcc @DearEvanHansen I shall be listening to the soundtrack in envy. Have a wonderful time!!

RT @janescowcroft: A lil bit of great end of week reading, hot on the heels of our @Data61news #D61wit women in tech panel…

@yow_conf I’m going to be a judge later this arvo… I should clearly aim to get there early so I can play! #myobhackday

@yow_conf I’ll try and score/steal you some swag. 😉

@mike_s_airey Only 6 though! Come on @DDDPerth. I want to show my Mom I did a real keynote. 😆

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.