Shared today on Twitter

New meetup, Melbourne!

Hey Melbourne – you know what’s more fun than learning FP with @dibblego? Learning it with ME and @dibblego! Still spots available for the @yow_conf workshop Nov 29…

@dibblego @yow_conf Really, I’m just trying to make sure there are enough people in there that my fumbling attempts at Haskell will go unnoticed…

I got a new phone… and Airpods. (The Snook: “You look ridiculous.”) πŸ˜‚

Kicking off #myobhackday! The vibe is AMAAAAZING. @MYOB @developerjack

They hacked a teddy bear and poked LEDS in its eyes. πŸ˜±πŸ˜‚ #myobhackday

Team Pub Lunch – making me hungry! (Nice cameo by a 🌈 @buildkite sticker!) #myobhackday @MYOB

Loving how teams incorporated the Lego imagery into their pitches! #myobhackday

I want this guy to give every tech talk. ❀️ “So Jason sends this thing to something… to the cloud…” πŸ˜‚ #myobhackday @MYOB

“Had anyone here ever been carded at a pub?” Of course THIS GUY raised his hand. πŸ™„ πŸ‘Ά #myobhackday @developerjack

@SaraJChipps I sent the link to her dad. πŸ™‚

Using Lego bricks and farm animals in a video game to teach basic accounting principles. “THE COWS ARE BUILDING UP!!” πŸ˜‚ πŸ„ #myobhackday

RT @developerjack: And the team who learned the most, with the “skill stretch” award… Was the office finder guru team! #myobhackday https…

@johnbarton 😍

Are your shitting me now there’s a FOURTH ONE

@corduroy The other ones are red and yellow. Maybe this one is their baby.

@ClothoMoirai They’re bikes that you can rent and unlock with your phone. This is the fourth competing company that has appeared in Sydney in the past few months. They’re everywhere near my place blocking the sidewalk.

@mmastertheone Same.

@NicolaNaktarr That’s a good way of looking at it. I’m stuck on “irritated” whenever I see them.

@NicolaNaktarr PS if I haven’t yet nagged you to consider submitting something for my miniconf, this is it!

@NicolaNaktarr Some parts are!

RT @yow_conf: If you missed the announcement yesterday, our #yowcto summit program for Melbourne is now up! Lots of great talks this year…

RT @Ihnatko: Attendees at any conference: you don’t know how great it is to be a speaker and see positive Tweets about the talk you just ga…

@unixbigot @TimReedMYOB It wasn’t a preso – a panel discussion. There was a live stream though so it may have been recorded! Check the #d61wit hashtag…

RT @SalingerPrivacy: Everything wrong with capitalism based on data exploitation: β€œnone of the share bike companies have a working business…

RT @KloKlo: out of interest: plz RT if Johnny Depp’s presence in a film now actively discourages you from seeing it

RT @shanselman: I refuse to feel guilty about my GitHub activity graph. You should too.

RT @candeira: Thread.

@rockbot Is this crafters.slack or something else?

@rockbot Wait, I’m in WeSoCrafty too! πŸ˜‚ Too many channels. I don’t log in enough.

@rockbot I’ll sign in now. crafters.slack was started by @OphelieLechat I think; not sure if it’s very active.

RT @i386: Hey @web_goddess want to create a startup that’s Uber for bikes but PLOT TWIST they all are blue with those little straw basket t…

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.