Shared today on Twitter

Huh. FB have changed their value from “Move fast and break stuff” to “Move fast… with stable infrastructure.” I hope all of the startups that idolise them reflect on that! #yow17 @JoshuaKerievsky

RT @yakticus: .@JoshuaKerievsky channeling Kathy Sierra: don’t make the world’s best camera. Instead make the world’s best photographers.…

TIL Etsy award an actual three-armed sweater to the employee that makes the most surprising error each year. Rather than blame, awarding them for exposing flaw in the system. #yow17 @JoshuaKerievsky

RT @yow_conf: In case you ever wondered why we are called YOW

RT @jennyyangtv: This is how establishment media frames the debate to make women look “unreasonable” and “reactionary” in sexual assault ca…

RT @StewGleadow: Hearing Steve Freeman talking about TDD at #yow17 – bit of a GOOS fan boy moment. Love the T-Shirt

.@heidihelfand on her experience in a high-growth startup going from 10 employees to 600+. Definitely relevant to my experience… #yow17

Accepted wisdom is to keep teams stable… but people aren’t robots, and adding even one new person to a team changes the dynamic. #yow17 @heidihelfand

Going to be fun getting from Melbs ➡️ Brisbane tomorrow. 😱

Some interesting ideas for re-teaming from @heidihelfand: Survey folks to see if they want to move. Allow them to negotiate their own “trades” between teams. Have retros on team composition. I love all of these and wish more companies would use. #yow17

@rosepowell Nope – conf is still on in Melbs today. 40+ of us heading to Brisbane tomorrow!

Proud to say #yow17 cleared this one in the very first talk! @lynnlangit @allPowerde @yow_conf

RT @georgiecel: This article infuriated me a little bit, because this is exactly how people get depressed and mentally drive themselves to…

Splitting a team can feel traumatic, like the breaking of the Fellowship. @heidihelfand has advice for handling it. Sometimes you need to celebrate it. #yow17

I literally made this face: 😲. Yes, disappearing team members is an anti-pattern, and it takes a serious toll on morale. We need to talk about this stuff. @heidihelfand #yow17

@JoshuaKerievsky @heidihelfand GREAT photo! 😂

RT @megsokay:

Great question from the audience: how do we handle when people get fired? Do we use a euphemism, downplay it, or pretend it didn’t happen? Important to know the legal constraints here. Talk to your HR team. #yow17 @heidihelfand

@yow_conf And I helped. ☺️

RT @dius_au: Congrats Lee Kong! Winner of our Apple Watch giveaway in Melbourne #yow17 “I’ve never been so lucky” Lee Kong ⌚️🙌🏻✨ https://t.…

@dius_au Great photo! 😂

My friend @polleyg from @GDGMelbourne introducing the next session in Blue! #yow17

Fascinating stuff as @xerxesb walks us through the history of cochlear implants. It’s the only device humans have ever invented to restore one of the five senses. #yow17

RT @mmastertheone: Huh. Ads on the bus to get women to study maths. Cool.

Sadly, @after_12 beat @thinkingfish to it! (He spells it like @yow_conf does too.) 😂 @JoshuaKerievsky #yow17

@after_12 @thinkingfish @yow_conf @JoshuaKerievsky Also, I fully recognise what a giant nerd I am by knowing that bit of conference trivia.

Interesting UX challenge: you can’t just say “build something you’d like to use” when the engineers don’t have profound hearing loss. They can’t make assumptions about what users will find useful. #yow17 @xerxesb @mark_sabbatical

Internationalisation introduces more technical hurdles than you might imagine. (If you’re interested in this, @jeamesbone and @shipra_ships did a great talk at @yow_conf Connected about i18n in the @canva app.) #yow17

@Mandy_Kerr I live dangerously and use conf deadlines to force me to finish talks. Yes, it causes stress, but if you wait until it’s perfect to submit, you’re going to miss out on opportunities.

If you’re at a conference, sometimes it’s fun to watch @jedws’s face during a talk. He always looks so happy to learn new things!

RT @inventorship: “The point at which you are sending electrical signals into someone’s brain tissue, you need to have worked out scaling”.…

Fantastic introduction for the next Red room session by one of my favourite Melburnians @MichelePlayfair #yow17

I did not expect to learn about handball at a tech conference… but I loved the video @smamol just showed. Strong women working together on a team to do amazing things!! #yow17

“Professional sports” is actually all about pain management… Just like working in a startup. 😂 @smamol #yow17

Great advice for sports, work, and everything else: aim to be the worst player on the best team. You’ll learn a lot, and you’ll normalise high performance. @smamol #yow17

@yakticus Hehe. You’ve accidentally married her off to @simonraikallen!

@zarahjutz She admits that it’s not fun. “You feel inadequate, because you are inadequate.” But you learn!

OHHHH. “Obnoxious aggression.” Probably a better name than mansplaining. That’s what it is. 👏 #yow17

@yakticus @simonraikallen Let’s be honest. We’d all like to marry @simonraikallen.

RT @yakticus: .@smamol : don’t fail indiscriminately. Know when to take risks. During practice: 👍🏻 During the Olympic Games: 👎🏻 #YOW17 http…

. @SaraJChipps has made a convincing case why 9-14yo girls run the world. Dismiss this demographic at your peril! #yow17

Sadly, if you can get paid like a software developer or paid like a teacher, most choose the former. Means we don’t have a lot of primary school teachers qualified to teach coding. #yow17 @SaraJChipps

Fascinating. @SaraJChipps found that girls would get excited by wearables but shut down when she mentioned coding. So she had to rebrand coding as customisation, or giving the device “superpowers”. #yow17

From Marky Mark to firmware. This talk has it all! ❤️ #yow17 @SaraJChipps

Live coding is happening! @SaraJChipps showing us how to code the friendship mode on @jewelbots. #yow17

Whoa. 44% of kids who get a Jewelbot go on to write C++. #yow17 @SaraJChipps @jewelbots

For any folks who attended @SaraJChipps #yow17 talk, she wrote a shopping guide for coding toys for Christmas! 🤖🎅


When @jedws reaches into his backpack and says “Do you want a beer?” YOU SAY YES. #yow17 🍻

“Product ownership is extremely screwed up.” Great start to @jeffpatton’s closing #yow17 keynote. 👏

@yow_conf @jedws It’s spreading. 😂 @apaipi

I’ve never seen Sharpie presentation mode before! #yow17

@StewGleadow @jedws Front row right beside me!

RT @MichelePlayfair: When you’re all in the same company, getting a better deal from your “vendor” is basically taking money from your othe…

RT @DocOnDev: The triangle that matters to a project is
and scope.

But the triangle that matters to a product is

@Asher_Wolf Yes. This has all been very disappointing.

@amandawIBA @nxdnz 😂😂😂

@MichelePlayfair Transport is here! Lobby!!

The true story of @yow_conf is one of group transport. 😂 @MichelePlayfair @JoshuaKerievsky @pcalcado @davefarley77 @apaipi #yow17

@BaskingSnark @xerxesb I may well have misquoted that bit.

@Asher_Wolf @vicseswarnings I got that too! How did they know I’m here? I don’t live here??

Toasts are happening. So much love for the Melbourne tech community. ❤️ @yow_conf #yow17

RT @KenScambler: Had the extraordinary good fortune to be seated next to @lorentzframe, @web_goddess & @MichelePlayfair at the #yow17 spea…

@Ulrikama It will be up on the @yow_conf website within a few days!

@MichelePlayfair @yow_conf Thank you for coming!! ❤️❤️

RT @lynnlangit: great conversations at @yow_conf speaker dinner #yow17

@KenScambler @lorentzframe @MichelePlayfair Let’s be honest – we were all fighting to sit next to @lorentzframe!

@allPowerde ❤️❤️❤️❤️

@MelissaKaulfuss !!

RT @WoodyZuill: The #yow17 speakers dinner. This is the reason I became a speaker.

This! I get that men worry they don’t have the right to get involved in this stuff. But we really need them to. Women can’t fix the issue on our own.

Leg 1 is finished. See ya Melbourne! ❤️ (I’m tired.)

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.