RT @alxswan: Beloved fledgling developers, a wee PSA:
– No, you don’t need to know everything.
– No, developers don’t have to code 24/7 or…
RT @DavidCalcutt: My BBC radio dramatisation of Susan Cooper’s “The Dark Is Rising” online here. The story begins on midwinter’s eve…
RT @harrisj: The Jerk Store called to say they now consider themselves more of a Global Jerk Lifestyle Brand and they want you to be an Inf…
@catehstn Timely. I am nearly at this point, myself.
Fantastic deep dive into why Google Maps are so much better than Apple’s right now. They’re creating data out of data, stuff you can’t just directly collect. #mapgeekery https://t.co/cjF3MGwEy6
And if you liked that, you should definitely watch @ADuckIsMyFiend’s excellent #yowdata @yow_conf talk on her efforts to determine the most popular street name in Australia. https://t.co/GSIxgzQzs3