@kixiQu Oh thank you! 🙂
RT @helenhousandi: @sailorhg @Una I use a lightly modified version of your Fairyfloss color scheme and a Sublime Text theme I made to match…
@FourRedShoes Oh good grief, you’ve just made me covet hundred dollar scissors. Very, very tempted…
Oh bloody hell. Now I’m coveting hundred dollar scissors. ✂︎ https://t.co/o7obWXMgbC
@giantmetalrobot Wait til you see the lineup! Really pleased that I’m able to squeeze in 11 speakers talking about some fantastic projects. 🙂 #LCA2018
Well, that was unexpected. Literally stopped me in my tracks for a few seconds to think. https://t.co/MJ2kWgRqGs
@rosepowell In the end I went with Disagree. I think the *idea* of it – bringing people together – is a good and worthwhile pursuit. Sadly, I think the current execution isn’t making things better.
RT @kenshirriff: I punched an 80-column holiday card on the vintage IBM 1401’s card reader/punch using the “column binary” feature to punch…
@KenScambler Excuse me. My toothbrush has Bluetooth, and it’s awesome. 😜
@mmastertheone Interesting. I’m not far from the shop in the city. Wonder what their prices are like
@AraulloJake @SafetyCultureHQ Congratulations!
@JessicaCGlenn Protip: carry one of those little iPhone SIM tool pokey things in your wallet. Has saved me a couple times. 😂
I haven’t seen any Christmas buses in Sydney yet this year. Do they still exist??