Shared today on Twitter

@girlgerms GORGEOUS!

@webdirections Will you be running a CFP for the one dayers like Culture and Leaders? Didn’t see those listed.

RT @marlousteh: Long overdue, but better late than never 😀 Cheers to these awesome folks from HKG for their involvement & support for our…

RT @jonnysun: idea for a black mirror episode: a technology called IceBox™ is invented to store food past its natural lifespan by keeping i…

RT @melissa_loh: So LinkedIn (& @web_goddess) reminded me I’ve now worked for @yow_conf for 8 years.

Holy crap, that’s 2 years away from b…

@TheRealBnut As many as you can get! They’re very popular 🙂


@TheRealBnut I thought they were stickers! Yes, please, I’d love one

This is my life now. I blame @pyko.

@the_nathanjones @pyko It’s called Twenty. Available on iOS and Android. It’s very addictive.

@jonoabroad @pyko Game is called Twenty. I’m now obsessed with it.

@the_nathanjones @pyko I’m writing a blog post about it and a few others right now. Stay tuned…

Casual Games I Recommend for Fun (and Obsession) // I figure if I lower the productivity of the entire economy, I’ll stand out less. 😜

RT @mktoon: Doug Jones openly gay son Carson glaring at openly homophobic VP Mike Pence is ALLLLLLLLLL of us. #SHADE

RT @DenchenThe: I want to prove something to someone.

Please RT if you are happy with a female Doctor.


@gilmae Timely.