RT @The_McJones: “You don’t have worry, neural nets don’t have feelings, well, at least not yet” – @minxdragon #lca2018 #artandtech
RT @pjf: This is supposed to be captioned “Are you mad, bro?”, but the transform screwed it up so badly it looks like baby Jesus is trying…
BTW – there’s a fantastic Rembrandt exhibition happening at the Art Gallery of NSW right now. I saw it last weekend, and I thought about this project. @minxdragon #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/3b4wO3EdgF
Now we’re getting a bit more into some tech details and code with @metaeaux showing us how to think like a pixel. #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/szIP03s1QF
Learning about raymarching and distance fields from @metaeaux. Great way of showing code and immediate effects! #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️😂💻 https://t.co/hhmUQOeV3k
Oh, look a Roald Dahl reference in @maetl’s talk about writing machines! (I’m also @RoaldDahlFans.) 😊 #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/4fIp485FLb
@pjf That’s the dream! I’ve been talking to @jontv at TEDx Melbourne about this off and on. We need to make it happen. 😉
You can look at some of the problems with generating grammatically correct text in UIs as a type of generative writing. @maetl #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/7Wl8MfEmPk
RT @nickyringland: English grammar:
People: “I’ll just hack my way around it…”
Nope. Now everything is wrong.
@maetl #lca2018 https://t.…
VOTE 1 FOR DEMOCRATIZENS! 😂 @maetl #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/FVBzqbFZCt
@The_McJones Ugh, of course you’d be a Fistian. 😂
RT @minxdragon: Excuse me but obviously it has to be the Aust end Farty lol https://t.co/7qqCDXyw4W
RT @The_McJones: “Computers are here to support and enhance human creativity, not to replace it” – @maetl #artandtech #lca2018
Reminder – if you want to see Miles from @AnimalLogic talking about building fractal sets for Guardians of the Galaxy 2, you *must* be at the #artandtech miniconf at 1:40. No streaming/recording on this one! #lca2018 https://t.co/Jqvf9y2N6L
RT @The_McJones: Before we start, has anyone seen Guardians of the Galaxy?
*whole rooms raises hand*
#artandtech #lca2018
Absolutely thrilled to have Miles Green joining us today! Big crowd of folks to learn about creating digital sets for a Hollywood film… #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 @AnimalLogic https://t.co/X7LLUTZkT2
@richardbywater @mage0r @AnimalLogic @linuxconfau It’s not. Sorry about that! Limitation due to some of the work being shown. 😕
Murmured voice behind me: “My mind is *blowing*.” Miniconf organiser achievement unlocked! ☺️ #artandtech #lca2018 @AnimalLogic 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/Sk9lWGQnxH
It’s a rule that every knitting and programming talk has to mention punchcards. 😂 @chixors explaining knitting machines to a crowd of folks who’ve mainly never seen them! #artandtech #lca2018 https://t.co/Qsc8K3atyK
Still gutted that the Electroknit I was trying to buy fell through… 😭 @chixors #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/uXXrVR2VLD
“And now a word about four colour knitting…” – @chixors There was a loud GASP! from the audience. 😂 #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/XXKWeMwu9b
Some of the amazing @HeartOfPluto_ knitting projects. I LOVE the @HamiltonMusical blanket!! #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/MosdllrxKw
Lovely shout out to @fbz from @chixors! (I have a @KnitYak scarf.) 😊 #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/bprRuLJ6C8
@minxdragon @HeartOfPluto_ GET IN LINE.
@STEMiniSTAR @fbz @chixors @KnitYak Yes! They’re actually all streaming live now, and the videos will be up soon. (All except Miles’s talk, which we can’t share.)
I always love seeing @unixbigot present. He’s got such a way with words! (Nice shirt too. 😉) #artandtech #lca2018 @yow_conf 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/JBUDHT2Bo3
Reasons to own a 3d printer: to make your own accessories, fix things you’ve broken, invent new stuff. @unixbigot #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/z9aT6ZvVt1
Lovely shout out to @RealSexyCyborg in @unixbigot’s talk on 3d printing! #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/uscMgkg2qX
A lost artist in the world of technology! @currawongwhsper and the cool 3d-printed earrings she made for @GGDSydney #shehacks. #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/EQ4dps1BjO
@glasnt It wasn’t easy. 5 days and paying for a ticket were big barriers. The @linuxconfau organisers were very helpful with funding solutions to bring these folks in!
I’ve had to grapple with materials questions before for e-textiles projects. Never had to worry about people eating off it though! #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 @currawongwhsper https://t.co/5UQYBJHnS1
RT @glasnt: Hearing about @currawongwhsper having issues trying to get tech hardware working for her is just re-enforcing the message to me…
If you want to make more than 14 lights blink on an Arduino, you need to use LED multiplexing! Great explanation with circuit diagrams. @stibbons #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/zLjwZH3IVB
RT @thesecretlab: “You’ll need a current limiting resistor, if you’re using an LED. Otherwise, they’ll shine very brightly, very briefly.”…
It’s a good thing @the_snook isn’t here for this. Illuminated liquor cabinet would go to the top of the pool room dream list! @stibbons 😂 #artandtech #lca2018 https://t.co/zKoU8IyKmN
Paging @DrJosh9000! You going to make it?? 😂
@DrJosh9000 Phew! @glasnt, you’re off the hook. 😂
Hmm. @ADuckIsMyFiend promised us THE BEST TALK EVAR!!!1!!, and so far it’s all Euclidean geometry. 🤔 #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/PmnJ4eesOL
@glasnt @DrJosh9000 I started early to try to leave question time. We can break if need be. 😉
Crochet alert! 🚨 We snuck Crochet into a tech conference!! 👏😂 @ADuckIsMyFiend #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/Da091IeMgu
RT @The_McJones: “So crochet is different from knitting” – @ADuckIsMyFiend
* @web_goddess starts nodding*
#artandtech #lca2018
Old school! @DrJosh9000 (after literally running over from the FPGA miniconf) is showing us his project to build a mini balsa wood Mac case for a Raspberry Pi. #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/rZpJnVe1oU
Knitting, crochet, and now TAPESTRY! ❤️ @glasnt talking about how she creates her amazing needlepoint & cross stitch designs! #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/tjkMtysjfU
I’m DYING. @glasnt is talking about translating from DMC floss to wool. I have used that horrible converter. 😂 #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/NZiPLibhV2
Using math to reduce the number of colours to only those discernible by the human eye! 👏 #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/DjLErLZKvf
Nice! @glasnt’s awesome cross stitch software is available NOW. https://t.co/bxXG2j0f3v #artandtech #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/wLErijsgrI
RT @thesecretlab: And with that, we’re done! Huge thanks to @web_goddess for running this miniconf! #lca2018 #artandtech https://t.co/h3nly…
@unixbigot @glasnt Are you still in the room? Rachel left her bag
Hey, there’s a Bridge! #lca2018 https://t.co/A2gEhUhpc0 https://t.co/UZie7GWzlB
@HeartOfPluto_ Thank you so much for coming and taking part! Having a knitting machine hacker speak was the icing on an already awesome cake. ❤️👏
RT @HeartOfPluto_: #lca2018 talk done and dusted! Phew time to fall into a heap 😂 thanks so much @web_goddess for organising the #artandtec…
Someone at the #artandtech miniconf today jokingly asked about animated cross stitch. I promised to show them animated knitting. Behold @videosmithery’s The Horse in Motion! https://t.co/9RefANWIJ0 #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻
RT @minxdragon: Go make something fun! The theme of #artandtech in a nutshell #lca2018
@annie_parker @Microsoft @MSAccel WHOA! Congrats. MS have made some enviable hires over the past year, and they’re smart to add you to the list!
@annie_parker @Microsoft @MSAccel You’re not leaving though, are you?!
What a beautiful yarn bowl! Thanks @quiltin_momma. ❤️ https://t.co/9cLB5WUlHt https://t.co/HujTBdx3e2
@zachsimone Walk a few blocks up York Street to Mecca!
@zachsimone There’s also Gumption in the Strand arcade, which always has a massive queue.
@KathyReid Thanks for the reminder. Grabbing my big bag of stickers as I head out. 🙂
Keynote knitting with @FCTweedie! #lca2018 https://t.co/ACZjQMzmYU
Contributed to the sticker table! @yow_conf, @SydTechLeaders, and @exercism_io. ❤️ #lca2018 https://t.co/YXdc6XwqG3
@itgrrl Over by registration!
I just realised why, despite not being a big fan of Brutalism, I find the UTS tower so comfortingly uni-like. It’s because I stared at this one every day for four years: https://t.co/66m2niKunS https://t.co/t6QIoDYu4q
Hearing about cosmic ray detection as an art installation from @pschulz01. This could’ve really been an #artandtech talk yesterday! #lca2018 🖼️❤️💻 https://t.co/iGHdQRHLWN